- 当我们首次去银行开帐户时,银行卡里存放入一个初始金额(5元或10元)。在存折上有银行帐号和帐户余额。当向指定的银行帐号存钱时,余额会增加;当在指定的银行帐号取钱时,余额会减少。银行帐户一经开户,除非用户取消,否则银行应该保留用户的帐号以及和帐号对应的身份信息(这个程序中不考虑用户身份的认证)。将每个用户的帐号上的重要信息存放在一个文件名为inout.txt的文件中。为了可以随时随地查询用户的帐户里的余额信息,将帐户中的相关信息以二进制格式读写文件。经过分析知道,要对用户的帐户信息进行通用(添加、
- Contains R functions and datasets detailed in the book “Time Series Analysis with Applications in R (second edition)” by Jonathan Cryer and Kung-Sik Chan
- Basic wavelet routines for time series (1D), image (2D) and array (3D) analysis. The code provided here is based on wavelet methodology developed in Percival and Walden (2000) Gencay, Selcuk and Whitcher (2001) the dual-tree complex wavelet tran
- 这是一本关于C++语言在金融工程中应用的书. 首先它介绍了基本的面向对象编程知识,接下来本书以实际用例来说明C++编程如何在金融建模中发挥作用.-A foundamental book on C++ for financial engineer. The book covers C++ programming and its application on financial engineering models.
- 《金融市场数理分析》实验指导书,实用性很强-Instruction Book for Statistical Analysis of Financial Market
- java写的银行管理系统,来自李相国编写的java书上的某一个实例,不错的-bank management system written in java, Lee Sang country from the book written in java on one instance, good
- 简单银行业务模拟,数据结构应用,把书中的伪代码进行改编得到-The simple banking simulation, data structures application, pseudo code of the book be adapted to get
- COBOl是目前金融银行业应用广泛的编程语言,本书介绍COBOL的性能调优-COBOl widely used financial and banking is the programming language, the book describes the performance tuning COBOL
- 《走进我的交易室》一书中提到的大名鼎鼎的“动力系统”交易程式,Yeslanguge语言编写,与Easylanguage语言兼容。及另外两个韩国交易程式。-"Come into My Trading Room," a book mentioned in the famous "impulse system" trading program code, Yeslanguge language, compatible with Easylanguage language.
- 原理:通过牛顿割线计算隐含分布率。 应用:计算facebook在欧洲的看涨期权和看跌期权。- C++ program to calculate the implied volatility using Newton-Ralphson (secant) * method for European Call and put Options for face book.
- 本书目的就是为了帮助个人了解和进入外汇市场。本书完全是从实用的角度出发,是一本易读易懂实用的书。-The purpose of this book is to help individuals understand and enter the foreign exchange market. The book is entirely a practical point of view, is an easy to read and practical book.
- 曼昆写的关于经济学原理的书籍,书里用了大量的通俗易懂的例子来帮助理解各种经济原理,浅显易懂-Mankun wrote on the principles of economics books, the book used a large number of easy-to-understand examples to help understand the various economic principles, easy to understand
- 惯性策略 惯性可能产生于信息的缓慢扩散—当越来越多的人开始往意到某条新闻,越来越多的人决定买入或卖出某只股票,就使得价格朝某一方向运动。前面说过,当公司的预期盈利变化时,股票就会显示惯性。这可能发生在公司公布其季度盈利之时,投资者逐渐了解该公告,或通过多步执行大额指令以应对该变化(使市场冲击最小)。事实上,根据这种现象,我们可以构建一个叫做“后盈利公告漂移”(PEAD)的惯性策略。(momentum There are still some anomalies such as small-fir
- 想学习MT4 EA开发的同志们有福啦,《MT4外汇自动交易圣经》,请查收(This is a book for EA programming,please downlowd it)
- 开发MT4交易平台智能交易系统需使用MQL4语言,本书详细介绍了MQL4的使用方法,介绍了各类语法、函数。另外,不同于以前的版本,这个版本的内容进行了更新修订,修改了许多错误之处。特别是去掉了上一版中很多地方乱七八糟的=号,使内容更加简明清晰。(The development of MT4 trading platform intelligent transaction system requires the use of MQL4 language. This book introduces
- 这是郑志勇教授编写的金融数据分析,基于MATLAB编程一书的源代码,非常全的源代码。(This is written by Professor Zheng Zhiyong financial data analysis, based on MATLAB programming book source code, very complete source code.)
- MQL4语言的中文完全说明文档!使用者在学习或者实际编程的过程中作为工具书来使用!(MQL4 language Chinese full descr iption document! Users use it as a reference book in the process of learning or actual programming.)
- MT4编程手册高清图文版 MT4编程手册技术大全,很全面很周到也很详细,是你提高的绝佳读本。 非图片压缩版,高清图文版,短小精悍!(MT4 programming manual HD graphic version MT4 programming manual is a comprehensive, thoughtful and detailed book for you to improve. Non image compression version, high-definition g