- 值转人民币大写C++源代码,public domain免费软件,和一般的转换程序比已充分考虑到各种情况和习惯读法。此代码针对C++ Builder平台编写并调试通过,但已仔细设计以便于需要时移植到其它平台。 -value of the RMB capital to C source code, free public domain software, and a general conversion ratio has taken full account of all th
- 一个银行帐务管理系统 用c写的,截面当然没有其他的高级语言写得好了,给学西c的朋友看把,呵呵 -a bank account management system used to write c, of course, no other section of the high-level language is so well written, c West to study looked for a friend, huh
- 人工股市(Artificial Stock Market,简称ASM)是模拟股市运作的一个程序。在这个电脑中的虚拟市场中,若干被称为交易者的人工智能程序(Agent)通过观察它们所在的数字世界中股价和股息的不断变换而做出预测,并且根据这些预测做出购买股票与否以及购买股票数量的决策。反过来,所有的交易者的决策又决定了股票的价格,这样,整个的股票交易市场就构成了一个自我封闭的计算系统。同时,这些交易者都具有学习的能力,可以根据以前预测的成功或者失败对自己的决策进行调整,并且通过一种被称为遗传算法的方
Close All Trades MT4一键平仓脚本
- MT4一键平仓脚本 只要一点就可以清除所有持仓单 这样可以省却了交易单太多一一手工平仓的困饶,并且一键平仓的效率也是非常值得肯定的,现在发出来给大家使用,具体安装方法将脚本文件复制至到平台安装目录下experts\scr ipts内即可! 然后打开MT4在导航--脚本--清除持仓单 就可以应用了 -MT4 scr ipt as long as a key to open all the positions that you can remove a single transaction s
- 实现了atm取款机上的所有功能。可以在线存,取,查询,修改密码等等。,Achieved atm teller machines on all the features. Online deposit, check, query, modify the password and so on.
- IrisFx is another forex robot from the guys over at FX-Emit with a 200 gain from the beginning of December 2010 till now. Problem is their track record nor trading priledges have been verified on myfxbook so these results mean absolutely nothing to m
- 加码类策略EA,实测2005年到2010年都没有爆仓。 建议先用模拟账户测试,真盘请注意风险。-Overweight category strategy EA, measured from 2005 to 2010, did not burst positions. Recommended to test with the demo account, so please pay attention to risk plate.
- GoldNStream v2.Test by 1 year on EURUSD M30 : performance ~3100 and more, shoulder 1:100, optimal risk, reinvesting. Mid-term - because it works not inside of the day, and it will be very possible that it will do the only 100 trades for the whol
- 上期综合交易平台CTP API及文档 CTP API 海洋部落 http://www.oceantribe.org 程序化交易者论坛 http://www.programtrader.net/ Compilation: mv thosttraderapi.so libthosttraderapi.so g++ -L./ -l
- 基于Html5的股票行情分析源码,实现难点K线图和flash实现的K线图非常接近,滑块控制是实现的难点,这里是根据滑块滑动的位置计算k线数据的范围,并实时重画,事实证明html5 canvas标签的性能还是相当的好的,在PC机上每秒可以重画20次以上,而在iPad上每秒可以重画10次左右,在ipad上流畅性有一定问题,所以在ipad上实现了另外一个版本,使用手指滑动通过touch相关的时间控制范围-Html5 stock market analysis source, difficulty K-
- 我自己写的脚本,用于银行的对私客户信息模版。把客户信息的数据导入后可以在第一个工作表进行修改查看编辑打印等等。点击打印后将从当前数据项打印到最后一项,需要使用银行专用的表格套打。我帮当地中国银行某营业厅的朋友写的小脚本,减少了大量的工作量,仅供参考。-Write my own scr ipt for the banks to the private customer information template. The customer information data can be import
- 基于C++Builder 6的医药类单据打印系统,主要是Access + FastReport + VCLSkin的一些综合应用,重点功能是FastReport中实现人民币中文大写、空行补齐,页面小计(SubTotal)等…… 本打印程序开发过程中使用了FastRepot和VCLSkin组件,源程序在编译时需要在工程(Project)的选项(Options)中更改一下Include和Lib的路径,指向你的FastReport的安装目录。否则会提示找不到头文件等编译错误。 -Ba
- ATM银行自动提款机系统,实现业主自动的开户,销户,存钱,提款,查询余额及设置与修改密码服务等事宜的服务系统。-ATM banking ATM system, the account owners, and marketing household, saving money, cash withdrawals, balance inquiries and the provision of services and modify the password of the service system
- aiotrade是一个自由、开放源码股市技术分析平台建立在纯爪哇.可插拔其建筑特色也是理想延伸风俗等指标及图表.它需要jre1.5.0+.。 -aiotrade is a free, open source stock technical analysis platform built on pure Java. pluggable its architectural features is an ideal extension of the custom indicators and char
- realtime viewr ticker...so you can get infomation realtime viewer via stock online-realtime viewr ticker...so you can get infomation realtime viewer via stock online...
- 增加与删除股票,集中自己收集的股票,让你更加知道有升值空间的股票。-Increases and remove the stock, to focus their collection of stocks, so that you know there is more upside potential.
- 问题的提出:金卡在现代生活里应用广泛,无论排长队于ATM机前取款还是就餐、购物、就医等等。在国外电子货币十分流行,其实电子货币是系统工程,它涉及金融、安全、通信、计算机等领域。这里为使读者掌握动态数据的用法,仅模拟其存款于取款过程。-Of the problem: Gold is widely used in modern life, whether long lines at the ATM machine before the withdrawal or dining, shopping,
- its a bank draft control in persian, u can use it in english so, it has some usefull controls and u can use it to print a5 pages, its too good.
- 这个程序主要是用C语言完成的,实现了银行系统里的取款,存款,修改用户信息,开户等功能。-the program was written by C language, it had simulated bank system. for example , withdrawal,deposit and so on.
- 银行账户管理系统,可实现单利率计算。输入账号名称,自定义利率,自定义储存天数等等。-Bank account management system, enabling a single rate. Enter the account name, custom rates, custom storage time and so on.