- 股票交易模拟器 A Stock Exchange simulator to show timers and randon number generators work together. A cool simulation for anyone who might think about playing the stocks and spending money and get a general idea how the system works. -Stock Exchange
- C 模拟ATM自动取款机源代码(TXT文件存储) C语言模拟ATM自动取款机的源代码,利用TXT存储用户信息,每个用户都会被存到user.txt文本中,另外系统生成4个文件(存款记录、取款记录、转账记录、余额)!实现存、娶转、查功能!对密码输入次数进行了限制,错误三次就退出程序!对用户密码进行简单的加密!程序生成控制台程序,主要为了展现事务逻辑处理,C语言爱好者请不要错过哦。 -C simulation source code for ATM automated teller machi
- 用C语言编写的股票分析软件中5档源码,用于定义、标记、显示股票分析版面。-Written by C-5 stock analysis software, source files, used to define, mark, show stock analysis page.
- C#股票行情查看。使用了Webservice技术,小巧实用。-CSharp stocks Show. Webservice technology used, compact utility.
- > 该系统包括伯乐股市系统主程序/服务器端程序/系统数据库支持引擎/GTK > 可在单进程的模式下实现基于TCP/IP的网络数据传输 > 支持分时线显示 > 支持股票明细数据,分笔成交数据显示 > 支持数据库MYSQL > 内含指标函数库,能完成一般指标的编写 > 内含配置库读写函数,完成对系统参数的读写 -> The system includes the stock market syste
- vb编写的股票分析程序,显示股票代码,名称,昨日收盘、今日开盘,成交量,涨跌情况,股票类型,分析股票形势,显示百分比饼图,快速查询股票代码等-vb write stock analysis program, display the stock code, name, yesterday' s close, today' s opening, turnover, Change, stock types, analysis of the stock situation, show the
- 初步银行帐号系统,拥有存款,取款,显示余额信息等功能-Initial bank account system, with deposits, withdrawals, balance information and other features show
- 定义一个类实现银行帐户的概念,包括的属性有"帐号"和"存款余额",包括的方法有"存款"、"取款"、"查询余额"和”显示帐号”,。定义主类,创建帐户类的对象,并完成相应操作。-Define a class that implements the concept of bank accounts, including the properties of the " Account" and " deposits" , including the method &qu
- This is an automated software system written in C programming language for Bank Management which can handle accounts for customers. It uses files to handle the daily transactions, account management and user management. Its not a complete accounting
- 设计了一个模仿POS收银的程序,把食品按照 编号/名字/价格 的方式存放在预先写好的一个文件里(文本文件或者二进制文件)。给客户买单的时候,输入购买物品的 编号和数量 ,系统自动计算价格和累计价格。最后打印出总价格。付款的时候,营业员输入总付款金额,系统打印找零的数值。 (1) 此外,系统需要显示总的营业额并保存到每日的文件中。 (2) 每个用户的买单的明细,写入到明细文件中。并且要有每单的合计金额。 (3) 输出各种食品当日分别的卖出数量和收费小计 -Design a imit
- Fibonacci scr ipts, to show fibonacci on metatrader 4 with scr ipts. place under experts\scr ipts. manual and descr iption included. all open source with metaquote language 4.
Dukes Bank
- A Jboss implementation of the J2EE Duke's Bank tutorial. To make it easy if your just starting out with J2EE using JBoss, we will make use of the example applications provided in the J2EE tutorial, in particular the Duke’s Bank application. The J2EE
- 运用VBA进行动态做图 分别展现出每一个行业指数近期的走势 每点击一个EXCEL中行业的名称 就会显示出他的图表-Dynamic Graphing using VBA separately for each industry index showing the recent trend in the industry for each click on an EXCEL name will show his chart
- 这个程序包实现了高盛投行部研究成果:配对交易。Pair trading. -Pair Trading Strategy. This packages contains the sample codes for pair trading. Please refer to the auther to show respects.
- 股票程序,基于sterling trade软件,可以显示股票行情、实现买、卖股票!-Stock program, based on sterling trade software, can show stocks, buy and sell stocks!
- matlab回测平台。日线、周线、月线等不同周期的展示。MACD,BOLL,RSI,W&R,OBV,DMI,PVT等技术指标的展示。-Matlab back to the test platform. Show daily, Zhou Xian, on line in different period. MACD, BOLL, RSI, W&R, OBV, DMI, PVT and other technical indicators show.
- 论文: Fast profits: Investor sentiment and stock returns during Ramadan-Observed by more than 1.5 billion Muslims, Ramadan is one of the most celebrated religious traditions in the world. We investigate stock returns during Ramadan for 14 predomina
- led 显示程序,可显示出姓名和学号等相关信息-led show process,it can show out your name and number and so on
- 计算数据的峰度和偏度,并判断是左偏还是右偏、轻尾还是厚尾,最后统一显示结果-Kurtosis and skewness calculated data, and judgment is the left side or right side, light-tail or fat-tail, then show the final results together.
- 应用于MT4自动化交易程序的软件,实现指标显示平均成本,问题联系q420134840-Application of the MT4 automated trading program software to achieve indicators show the average cost, the problem is linked to q420134840