- PCSC读卡器,程序,能识别PC上的多个读卡器,并支持T=0,T=1协议-PCSC reader, procedures, and can identify the number of PC reader, and supports T = 0 and T = 1 agreement
- 该系统包括伯乐股市系统主程序/服务器端程序/系统数据库支持引擎/GTK.可在单进程的模式下实现基于TCP/IP的网络数据传输.支持分时线显示.支持股票明细数据,分笔成交数据显示.支持数据库MYSQL. 内含指标函数库,能完成一般指标的编写.内含配置库读写函数,完成对系统参数的读写 -benefactor of the system including the main program the stock market system / server applications / syste
- 对GARCH-t模型参数的估计,主要是运用已有的股票数据估计参数
- An example case is considered to price an option at a maturity of T years - prices are simulated for Geometric brownian motion process at 2*T maturity, and Brownian Bridge is used to obtain prices at T maturity. Finally option prices are compared to
- code to price a n-to-default basket CDS. It takes as input hazard rate coefficients and uses T-copula model to calculate fair rate of CDS
- This application i made for handle simple finance this project using VB 6.0, SQL Server 2000 with report using html page. You should load this components: -Kewlbuttonz -Ms Rich Textbox Control -Ms Windows Common COntrols 6.0 -Ms Win
- > 该系统包括伯乐股市系统主程序/服务器端程序/系统数据库支持引擎/GTK > 可在单进程的模式下实现基于TCP/IP的网络数据传输 > 支持分时线显示 > 支持股票明细数据,分笔成交数据显示 > 支持数据库MYSQL > 内含指标函数库,能完成一般指标的编写 > 内含配置库读写函数,完成对系统参数的读写 -> The system includes the stock market syste
- 基于T+0情况下的模拟炒股系统,应用马科维茨投资组合理论分配投资比例-Based on T+0 stocks in case of simulation systems, applications, distribution of Markowitz portfolio theory investment ratio
- t-coupla求相关系数,包括正态分布,t分布,和其他copula函数的基本代码-t-copula,mainly used in t copula corrention
- 一个基于WOSA/XFS开发的完整例子,代码涵盖API开发和SPI开发,甚至包含MSXFS.dll的代码实现。通过这个例子有助于开发者提高对XFS整个系统的理解。 此外该例子作为也是多线程开发,OCX开发,VC6.0 Wizard开发都有一定的借鉴。 该例子需要使用V i s u a l L e a k D e t
- 外汇市场上的自动交易Ea,请大家自行测试,不要一开始就用于真实账号!否则后果自负,是结合着布林通道和均线来决策的策略-Automated trading Ea in the foreign exchange market, please test on their own, don t start for real accounts! Otherwise the consequence is proud ,Is combined with a brin channel and average d
- “定海神真”免费效益网站是NITC网络营销服务中心经历2年多时间研发的历作,汇聚了13年的网站开发经验及8年网络营销经验。系统简单易用,界面精美,体验度高,对SEO优化也有良好的效果,而且永久免费。唯一缺陷就是主题界面只有50多个,但NITC开放了主题结构教程,懂DIV+CSS的网页设计人员很容易开发出自己喜欢的网页。NITC网站系统是中小企业网站营销的最佳选择,不需要专业的技术就能轻易上手,并且做出网络营销效果非常好的网站,好不好一试便知。- Neptune s free benefits
- This a small application For Car Business. It didn t go through much testing NB: Please note that the various dlls have been submitted with the source code, but they can be found in internet-This is a small application For Car Business. It did
- Title: SALES & INVENTORY PROGRAM using ADO & Crystal Report Descr iption: Don t miss this guys coz this is a corporate code that i developed before using ADO with complete Login Entry,Ingredients module, table module, service crew module, supplier
- 矩阵特征值计算,简单,好用,可以用于计算复杂矩阵t特征值。-matri calculation, very good and very easy
- 11个指标预测T+2,主要对股票的收盘价、开盘价等11个指标进行学习,然后形成大矩阵,之后对T+2交易日的价格进行判断。-11 indicators forecast T+2, mainly on the stock s closing price, opening price and other 11 indicators to learn, and then form a large matrix, then the price of T+2 trading day to judge.
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- 本EA属于区间交易系统,国外售价4999美金的商业EA。 默认手数0.01手,适合小账户。 附件内含用户使用手册、图表。附带源码可供大家修改。 货币对:EUR/USD、GBP/USD、USD/JPY、USD/CHF 时间段: 1小时 其实我个人测试 其他时段也可以使用 且效果不同 之前有朋友在论坛上发过这个 但是没有使用手册我给补充一下 亲测截图 仅供参考 我用的是ICMarkets
- 国人开发的趋势交易系统,已经注册过了,无需付费。(The trend trading system developed by the Chinese people has been registered without paying.)
- 大多数暴利的都是马丁格尔类型的EA,但是XMT-SCALPER 趋势终结者的交易思路是依托趋势,是一个趋势型的EA,虽然有一小部分借鉴了马丁格尔的思路。趋势型EA最好的优势就是不爆仓,不会像马丁格尔那么提心吊胆,XMT-SCALPER 趋势终结者最大的回测非常小,这一点对于EA来说非常难能可贵。(Most of the profiteering is the Martin Geer type EA, but the XMT-SCALPER trend terminator's trading i