- EclipseTrader is a stock exchange analysis system, featuring shares pricing watch, intraday and history charts with technical analysis indicators, level II/market depth view, news watching, automated trading systems, integrated trading.
- 完美运用TeeChart控件,给开发股票软件的程序一个很好的选择;查看股票行情的软件,实时数据;-Perfect use TeeChart controls, to the development of the stock software program is a good choice view stock quotes software, real time data
- 我自己写的脚本,用于银行的对私客户信息模版。把客户信息的数据导入后可以在第一个工作表进行修改查看编辑打印等等。点击打印后将从当前数据项打印到最后一项,需要使用银行专用的表格套打。我帮当地中国银行某营业厅的朋友写的小脚本,减少了大量的工作量,仅供参考。-Write my own scr ipt for the banks to the private customer information template. The customer information data can be import
- online banking system that allow the customer to view their acounts an do their mony transffer online
- 一个用boost+wtl实现的股票查看小工具, 目前还在继续完善中.-Achieved with the boost+ wtl a stock view small tools, and is still going perfected.
- 基本上实现取款机功能,登陆、注册、存款、取款、修改密码、查看庄户、查看账户信息功能,与数据库相连接-ATM function is basically realized, landing, registration, deposits, withdrawals, change passwords, view the peasant household, view account information, features, connected to the database
- This is an automated software system written in C programming language for Bank Management which can handle accounts for customers. It uses files to handle the daily transactions, account management and user management. Its not a complete accounting
- 取款机,包含登陆,存款,取款,转账等一系列功能,可以查看自己账户余额-ATM, including the landing, deposits, withdrawals, transfers and a series of functions, you can view their account balance
- 本软件为股票模拟交易、查看软件。通过yahoo finance实时浏览股票价格信息、可买入卖出等操作并查看盈亏情况。Ruby语言编写,可在windows下运行。-This software simulated trading stock, to view the software. The finance yahoo real-time view of stock price information, buying and selling operation And view of the
- 简单的atm操作网页使用jdbc,有管理者和普通用户之分,管理者查看用户信息(不包括密码)和系统存款、系统余额。普通用户存取款和查看余额。-Atm operation page uses jdbc, managers and users of sub-managers to view the user information (not including the password) and system deposits, the system balance. Deposit and chec
- 基于yahoo数据股票视图工程适于初学Yahoo data-based stock view project suitable for beginners-Yahoo data-based stock view project suitable for beginners Yahoo data-based stock view project suitable for beginners
- 集专业数据与简易操作於一身的MT4交易平台广受国际机构投资者及专业个人投资者所选用。目前已有超过70 的经纪公司及来自全世界三十多个国家的银行选择使用MT4交易软件作為网络交易平台,而全球超过90 的零售交易量亦是通过MT4平台作成交。客户透过集合了行情图表、技术分析和交易功能三大功能於一身的MT4交易平台即可同时进行下单、平仓、限价单、止损、止赢、查看报表及分析数据等不同操作。客户亦能透过设置止损价和获利价,不用每分每秒监控市况,亦能确保在第一时间保障最大利益。 提供即时报价 简易操
- 从业内趋势来看,SOA不仅是一种架构风格,而且渐渐发展成为企业信息系统领域的事实技术标准。 “SCA/SDO/BPEL”是SOA的铁三角,IBM、SAP、Oracle等标准制定者已经参与制定或采纳了相关标准,初步完成了内部解决方案的改造。-Trends from the industry point of view, SOA is not only an architectural style, and gradually developed into the fact that
- 从开源力量公开课下载的关于比特比的一些内容,可以注册到官网查看详情http://www.osforce.cn/-From the open class power source to download some of the content on bits than can be registered to the official website to view details http://www.osforce.cn/
- C#编写的简单的股票行情查看器,可实时查看股市线,为图片形式,功能简单。-C# prepared by the simple stock ticker viewer can view real-time stock line for the picture form, function simple.
- 网上搜集来的一款 刷单程序 ea大家可以自行下载查看-Online collection of a brush to the single ea you can download their own view
- 本书目的就是为了帮助个人了解和进入外汇市场。本书完全是从实用的角度出发,是一本易读易懂实用的书。-The purpose of this book is to help individuals understand and enter the foreign exchange market. The book is entirely a practical point of view, is an easy to read and practical book.
- 功能说明: 1.目前只支持单个股票交易账号登录,账号类型暂时只支持上海深圳A、上海B和深圳B的股票账户。 2.在满足买入、卖出条件时,程序只进行委托下单操作。判断成交与否以及挂单不能成交时挂多久才进行撤单、买不到指定数量的股票或卖不出指定数量时要怎样处理等操作还需要进一步提供需求才能继续完善程序。即目前本程序只保证下单成功,不保证一定成交。 3.如果单笔下单超过1000000股则分笔下单。 4.支持查看从股票池选择的股票列表的实时行情、持仓信息、资金信息、当日委托和成交记录。
- 大一的课程设计,个人财政管理系统,可保存支出,存款,可以随时更新,查看,比较盈余等功能。-Freshman curriculum design, personal financial management system, to save expenses, deposits can be updated at any time, view, compare earnings and other functions.
- 通达信每日股票池选出的股票自动进入自定义板块,并且每个板块的数量在excel以折线显示,直观查看不同选股公式选出的数量变化。-Mastery letter daily stock pool of stocks selected automatically enter a custom plate, and the number of each section in excel in a line display, intuitive view different stock-picking fo