- 提供windows和unix下各种级别日志,包括 xml
- 该接口库是用VC6.0开发的基于Windows平台上的SGIP1.2协议的实现,接口对中国联通SGIP协议进行了高度封装,目的是方便SP接入中国联通短消息网关。-The interface library is used VC6.0 to develop Windows-based platforms to achieve SGIP1.2 agreement, China Unicom SGIP interface for a high degree of agreement package t
- windows 环境下opnet14.5的仿真程序,内有配置好voip业务流,可直接运行-windows environment opnet14.5 simulation procedures have configured voip business flow, can be directly run
- Embedded Windows CE Speaker Verification Developers Kit is your compact biometric security solution for development of speaker verification systems at electronics level. The design is based on ISIP ASR and is Ported to Windows CE/Pocket PC/Smart Phon
- 信号处理中的振幅谱和相位谱以及谱密度估计等-1) Calculation of: - One-sided amplitude spectrum - One-sided phase spectrum - Vector of frequencies. 2) The function can plot: - One-sided amplitude spectrum - One-sided phase spectrum. Two examples are g
- IT IS a proxy server designed to work on windows 98 which allow a ftp protocol to run and allow to transfer data between ftp server and host computer