- 汽车生产公司系统管理程序 是为解决一个汽车生产公司的电脑化管理问题的系统管理程序,以解决其产品的生产,存放,以及公司人员的记录,任命,公司的宣传推广等方面的电脑管理问题。-automobile production systems management company procedures to solve a car manufacturing company in the computerized management system of Jimmy procedures to reso
- 学生订票系统客户端是解决学生假期排队购票的问题-Student booking system is a client solve the problem of students leave the issue of queue tickets
- 交通咨询系统(建立交通图的存储结构、解决单源最短路径问题、再实现两个地点最短路径问题)-Traffic Advisory System (the establishment of the traffic map of storage structure, to solve single-source shortest path problem, and then to achieve the shortest path problem of two locations)
- 自己做的电子报程序 兼容FIREFOX DIV+CSS排版 解决了FIREFOX下鼠标经过图片热区红边框不显示的问题-Make their own electronic reporting procedures compatible FIREFOX DIV+ CSS layout FIREFOX mouse to solve the hot zone after picture does not show the red border of the problem
- MapX的范例,通过Windows Mobile平台解决路网显示!-MapX example, through the Windows Mobile platform to solve the road network show!
- 汽车测距。利用红外线的快速反应和合适的程序设计解决汽车的行驶安全问题-Auto Ranging. Using infrared and appropriate procedures for rapid response vehicle designed to solve traffic safety problems
- 基于纯C 编写的航空订票系统纯C能实现航空订票系统么?在下不才,期盼高手解开谜团。 -Written in pure C-based airline reservation system airline reservation to achieve pure C system? Next Fucai, looking forward to solve the puzzle master.
- 基于纯C 编写的航空订票系统,佩服佩服一下,有很多未知的答案等待通过本程序来解答,纯C能实现航空订票系统么?在下不才,期盼高手解开谜团。 -Written in pure C-based airline reservation system, admire admire what it has to wait for a lot of unknown answers to answer through this process, pure C to achieve airline reser
- 停车场管理系统 解决汽车停放问题 有源代码-Parking Management System source code to solve the problem car parking
- 飞行器仿真实验,对飞行器的轨迹进行仿真,求解速度及位置-Vehicle simulation, the simulation of the aircraft' s trajectory, velocity and position to solve
- 基于VS2008编写。应用于航空航天工程的系统可靠性计算中。对复杂系统要先求解系统最小路。本程序即完成这一步骤。-Written on VS2008. Used in aerospace engineering system reliability calculations. First solve the system of complex systems minimal path. This procedure is complete this step.
- 城市交通问题示范,解决图一类问题的例子。功能可简单实现地图上公交线路、自驾、步行的选择。-Demonstration of urban transport problems, to solve the problem of a class diagram example. Function can be simply achieved bus lines on the map, car, walking options.
- :针对航空变频交流发电机电压调节器开展研究,分析对比了多种电压反馈检测方法及其特点,设计了基于 AD536A芯片的电压有效值检测电路,分析了电路的工作原理。这种电路的缺点是电路输出响应速度越快则输 出电压纹波越大。为解决这一问题,设计了减法电路构成的滤波电路,既能进行有效滤波,又不会引起电路的延 时。为解决滤波电路输出电压毛刺问题,采用了以二极管电路构成的去毛刺电路。利用Matlab软件工具对检测 电路的输入/输出进行拟合,得出了有效值检测电路的传递函数,为整个发电系统的闭环仿真
- 本系统用于统计公交公司各种繁琐的业务,进行增删改查.解决以往复杂的查询和容易出错等问题。-The system bus companies for a variety of complicated statistical operations, the CRUD. To solve complex queries and the previous error-prone and other issues.
- A car park digital controller circuit is commonly used to control car parking troubles/chaos in a car parking area by monitoring car going out and car going in to relation to the number of parking slots. In any parking area, parking slots are limited
- 这里是信号包络提取matlab 程序,相信对解决此类问题的同仁有很大帮助-Here is the signal envelope extraction matlab program, I believe it will help people who want to solve such problems a lot.
- 利用MATLAB解决组合优化问题,城市最短路问题的源程序-Using MATLAB to solve combinatorial optimization problems, the city s most shortest path problem source
- 遗传算法解决旅行商问题-The genetic algorithm to solve the traveling salesman problem. . . . . . . . . .
- 用GA算法和ACO算法在MATLAB上解决TSP问题,附有31个城市的坐标数据-Coordinate data with GA algorithms and ACO algorithm in MATLAB to solve the TSP with 31 cities
- vrp车辆路径优化问题,运用lingo软件编写的求解程序,简单易懂。-vrp vehicle routing optimization problem, the use of the lingo software written to solve program is simple and easy to understand.