- 陈郭模型,是天然气水合物相平衡计算模型,可以很好的计算纯水下天然气水合物的相平衡条件-chen-guo model are gas hydrate phase equilibrium calculation model, the calculation of pure water can be very good under the equilibrium conditions of gas hydrate
- 流域水文模型Object Watershed Link Simulation (OWLS),由Wilson Huaisheng Chen博士用C++语言开发。-A hydrological model,its name is Object Watershed Link Simulation (OWLS)
- 软件由测绘系06131班吴芳芳在参考了大量有关测量方面的文献后与测绘计算机俱乐部陈迅钰同学一起完成。VB语言与测绘程序设计----佟彪VB语言基础与应用-------- http://www.celiang.net/celiang -Mapping software by the Department of 06131 Wu Fangfang in reference to the large number of classes after the completion of the lit
- Victor C.Chen《雷达中的微多普勒效应》的英文书及其书中所述的Matlab程序。-This is Victor C.Chen s book The Micro-Doppler Effect in Radar With DVD with Matlab codes.You have to put the codes on the Matlab folder that you can excute it.
- 根据陈燕生《液体动静压轴承》编写的有回油槽径向静压轴承的程序,可显示承载能力、压强、刚度及温升等图谱-According to Chen Yansheng " liquid hybrid bearing," have written back to the tank radial hydrostatic bearing program, you can display the carrying capacity, pressure, stiffness and temperat