- 家具行業的成本核算報价系統,主要征對家個產品的結構展開進行材料成本及人工制造費用統計,加上可調節的利潤設定,將其成本核算出來,同時將報價單作出來-furniture industry costing Quotation System, the main levy on home-structured products for artificial material costs and manufacturing costs statistics, which can adjust the pro
- BC3.1编译,小交换机计费系统.使用Dos做出如此好的界面,少有.-BC3.1 compiler, small switch billing system. Dos make use of such a good interface, rare.
- 一个水轮机调速的控制程序,想从事控制方面程序设计的朋友可以参考一下。-a turbine governor control procedures to control in the design process can make reference to a friend.
- ansys 分析感应电机的一个例子,采用谐分析,初学者可以参考。-ansys analysis of an induction motor example, the use of harmonic analysis, beginners can make reference to it.
- 射线追踪程序,用于天然地震中的层析成像,稍做修改可用于其他领域。-ray tracing program for the natural seismic tomography, can be used to make slight changes in other areas.
- Example to support XML files using MSXML. ========================================= XML (Extensible Markup Language) is a commonly used basis for representing a huge range of structured data file formats. The specification is maintained by
- KEPware Automation DLL installation instructions: To use the KEPware Automation DLL in your Visual Basic project: 1) In the VB IDE, Select \"Project/References\". 2) If you have been using another vender s automation dll, uncheck it.
- 对GMT(Generic Mappint Tools)熟悉吗?如果熟悉就请下载吧,如果不熟悉就略过.用Fortran编写的源码,需要编译运行.它的功能是生成GMT能够识别的色标文件,小值为红色,高值为蓝色-are you familiar with GMT(Generic Mappint Tools). if (YES) then download if NO then pass This files are write with Fortran. After compile and
- Delaunay三角剖分算法介绍和c++源码。代码封装了其他人的代码包,在cygwin和redhat下编译通过。-This C++ library module is just a wrapper class on the Triangle package of Jonathan. The C++ wrapper will certainly slow access down if you want to mess with the triangulation but the basic del
- 电力系统潮流,C++实现,潮流实践课,有pv节点,可作参考-Power Flow, C++ Realized, the trend of practice lessons, there are pv nodes can make reference to
- === === === === === === === === === === === === MICROSOFT FOUNDATION CLASS LIBRARY : SimpleExtMFC === === === === === === === === === === === === AppWizard has created this SimpleExtMFC application for you. This application not only
- 因为单位所有单据,且具有法律效力的文件,都必须加盖单位公章,但公章不能每人都有,所以研发此工具,可以自己电子公章-MAKE MEDAL
- FIle to make auto calls and broadcast the auto converted gsm file to the given number through voip
- 继电器广泛用于生产控制的电力系统中,其作用是利用它的常闭 和常开触点进行电路切换。由于继电器是利用改变金属触点位置,使 动触点和定触点闭合或分开,所以具有接触电阻小,流过电流大和耐 压高等优点,特别适用于大电流高电压的使用场合。小型继电器也常 用作精密测量电路的转换开关。-Relays are widely used in electricity production control system, its role is to make use
- 利用Cyrustek ES51999 DMM IC 來做frequency counter-Cyrustek ES51999 DMM IC to use to make frequency counter
- 主要用于工程建筑项目的实时抽签,方便人们进行抽签.-Major construction projects for real-time drawing, the drawing of lots to make it convenient for people.
- This VI tells you the time delay between two analog input signal. For example, if you have two microphone with three meter space between them, and you make a clap, then the VI calculate the time delay with crosscorrelation and with maximum value serc
- 实现用128单片机 实现超声波测距 方便 可行 已经做出事物-MCU 128 using ultrasonic range has been possible to make things easy
- SkinForm is a component to help you make non-rectangle and skinable form, just like the popular applications such as WinAMP, WPlay
- this a very simple attendance aplication. just apply users and it can make a .doc file-this is a very simple attendance aplication. just apply users and it can make a .doc file...