- 提出并研制了一种新型电力系统暂态故障模拟再现系统。该系统通过将系统发生故障时故障录波器录下的数据转换为符合IEEE的COMTRADE格式文件,经数据处理软件进行分析后由电脑并口送入多功能继电保护测试仪,最终由测试仪还原成故障时的PT、CT二次侧电压、电流信号。该系统对继电保护装置参数整定、事故原因查找及分析等有辅助作用。-proposed and developed a new type of power system transient fault simulation and reconst
- 重力坝稳定型分析软件,通过修改重力坝各形态参数,完成稳定性分析-gravity dam stability analysis software, by modifying the shape parameter of gravity dam, complete stability analysis
- 自然激励下建筑结构的模态参数识别,首先通过自然激励技术(next)得到结构的自由响应,然后由自回归滑动平均(arma)方法识别模态参数。-natural incentive structures under the modal parameter identification, First through natural incentive Technology (next) to be free to respond to the structure, then autoregressive
店盟淘宝客程序V11.6 TOP/API2.0
- 店盟淘宝客程序V11.6 TOP/API2.0是一套基于淘宝开放平台提供的API开发出来的淘宝客推广程序,又称淘宝客网站、淘客程序、淘客源码,目前通过这套API版淘宝客程序可以按各种排序方式获取淘宝客商品列表、店铺商品列表及商品参数信息,方便易用、轻松建立淘宝客推广网站,进行淘宝客商品及店铺的推广。 -Taobao shop off Union is a program V11.6 TOP/API2.0 Taobao Open Platform based on the API prov
- NTC热敏电阻计算器(B值、R25、指定温度、指定阻值均可计算,给定四个参数即可计算第五个参数)-NTC thermistors Calculator (B value, R25, specified temperature, the resistance can be specified calculation, four parameters can be calculated given the fifth parameter)
- PID整定参数的参考方法 很有用的哦 欢迎下载-PID parameter tuning methods useful reference Oh welcome to download
- 根据渗流力学原理,通过分析油井的不稳定试井数据求取地层参数;附带有数据。-According to seepage mechanics, through the analysis of instability in oil well test data to strike a formation parameter incidental data.
- 计算电路中晶体管的关键参数。 界面友好,功能实用。-a useful tools to calculate the scale of mos transistor. This Program is dedicated to calculate the Parameters of the MOSFET in analog IC design. Microsoft .net framework 2.0 or above is needed. 1) Input every THREE
- optailpiduse of the model reference adaptive control method! Lypanuov stability theory used to design Parameter adjustment-use of the model reference adaptive control method! Lypanuov stability theory used to design Parameter adjustment
- yamaha karaoke DSP control program and parameter
- This demo computes a wavelet Labview transform with a continuously-varying order parameter -This demo computes a wavelet Labview transform with a continuously-varying order parameter
- 圆柱齿轮端面齿盘传动的几何尺寸计算界面 可以计算铣刀的各个参数-Face-gear transmission spur gear geometry calculation of interface can be calculated for each parameter cutter
- 建立在Cadence SKILL上的人机交互程序, 用户通过表单输入参数来启动PCB版设计的数据处理-demo built on Cadence SKILL to display a form and take into parameter to perform post data processing for PCB board design
- VC++超强功能版台球厅计时收费管理系统,数据库使用Access,初始登录密码为111. 本台球计时系统功能主要有:系统参数设置、台球桌信息设置、台球桌使用登记、台球桌调换登记、费用结算、显示台球桌使用状态等。在添加一个使用的台球桌时,系统会自动开始计时,使用完毕后将自动核算出费用。当然,软件的功能还有许多,一些细节上的东西都包括在内,看来作者是下了一番功夫在写本程序,因此VC++编程的Fans们最好下载研究一下哦。-VC++ super-functional version of p
- 大气传输计算软件 一个单参数带模式的低分辨率大气透过率和背景辐射计算软件包-Calculation of atmospheric transmission software with a single-parameter model of low-resolution atmospheric transmittance and background radiation calculation package
- 读入COMSOL软件所生成的三维mphtxt四面体网格文件,读入相关网格的节点、四面体单元,边界信息。调用此函数时应将包含相关的路径与文件名的字符串作为输入参数。包中包含了一个m函数文件与一个示例网格数据文件。-read the information of 3-d tetrahedron mesh file--*.mphtxt generated by COMSOL. The input parameter is the path and name of mesh file. A matlab
- 非线性动力学、分岔 Matlab 程序实现,弹簧质量系统在简谐激励作用下的受迫振动,弹簧的恢复力F与变形x的关系为F=kx3,动力学方程为...30cosmxcxkxFwt++= 其中,给定参数,1m=,0.3c=,1.0k=,1w=,初始条件为(0)3.0x=,.(0)4.0x=设系统的动态参数为F0,绘出系统状态变量随参数变化分岔图,绘图参数对应的系统各周期及混沌状态的时间历程图、相轨迹图、Poincare映射图-Nonlinear dynamics, bifurcation Matlab
- 由ce318型太阳光度计实测的数据进行Angstrom参数拟合-Angstrom parameter fitting by the ce318 type sun photometer measured data
- 用delphi写的玻璃行业加工报价系统,参数有 1. 加工类型 2. 材质选择 3. 厚度选择mm 4. 切裁要求 5. 磨边要求 6 钢化要求 7. 夹胶(层)要求 8. 中空要求 9. 打孔开缺(个) -Delphi write processing quotation system for the glass industry, the parameter 1. Processing type 2 material selection. Thickness mm 4. The cutlin
- Differential evolution (DE) is an efficient and powerful population-based stochastic search technique for solving optimization problems over continuous space, which has been widely applied in many scientific and engineering fields. However, the succe