mfix-2010.tar 多相流cfd程序
- 多相流cfd程序,用fortran实现,有多流体和dem计算功能,当然还有其它更多功能-MFiX is a general-purpose computer code developed at the National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) for describing the hydrodynamics, heat transfer and chemical reactions in fluid-solids systems. It has b
- 地震勘探数据是segy格式的,该程序用于该格式数据的读取,作者是colorado大学的教授。-Seismic data is segy format, the program reads the data for that format, the author is a professor at the University colorado.
- 建立具有通用性的光伏电池工程用模型。给出了采用扰动观察法通过控制Boost电路占空比实现光伏电池最大功率跟踪的算法并仿真验证。首先在Matlab/Simulink仿真环境中建立一个通用的PV模型。同时,可以实现对光伏电池的最大功率跟踪控制 (Maximum power point tracking,MPPT)。-Create versatility photovoltaic cell works with model. Given algorithm and simulation using p
- 电动汽车用异步电机系统效率优化控制研究 (中科院博士论文)目前,大量应用于工农业生产的交流异步电机驱动系统,存在着整体效率较低的缺陷,造成资源浪费严重。本文以应用于电动汽车的中小功率等级异步电机驱动系统为研究对象,并针对被广泛应用的SVPWM电压型逆变器输出调制电压中含有基波电压以及谐波电压的实际特点,提出要从两个方面对稳态轻载工况下异步电机系统进行效率优化控制:优化电机的基波励磁磁链,寻找由基波电压所引起的电机铁芯损耗和铜损的最优平衡点,以减少由基波电压引起的电机损耗 优化SVPWM发生
- Darkroom Timer Counts down from 0-99 min and 0-59 sec giving an alarm at 00:-Darkroom Timer Counts down from 0-99 min and 0-59 sec giving an alarm at 00:00
- 漆包线资料最大电流趋肤电阻单股多股换用速查表,通过excel文档表格的形式,大家可以很方便的查询各种规格漆包线(包括AWG/SWG标准)的性能参数,同时可以查询各种尺寸的漆包线的趋肤深度,非常的方便。-Wire information maximum current skin resistance stocks for more than a single unit with through the excel document form, we can easily access a vari
- 用于电力系统远程维护,可以把现场的实时数据自动保存,发回公司后,完全模拟现场的场景,便于远程维护-Power system for remote maintenance, the site can be automatically saved in real-time data, back to the company, the full simulation of the scene at the scene to facilitate remote maintenance
- 在互相流量测量时进行的层流状态分析仿真代码。带有中文注释。-Flow measurement at each other when the laminar flow analysis and simulation codes. With English notes.
- 地球物理开发包。地震处理、解释、反演等。C++编写,跨平台。-Geophysical Library is a C++-library to handle geophysical data. At the moment the focus is on magnetotelluric and seismic data. It also includes a genetic algorithm for data inversion, signal processing and statistics
- TeagerKaiser Energy operator method has been explained with help of Matlab 2007a version. This method can be used in case of speech and voice processing as well as any kind of signal processing activities. This has been explained with multiple inpu
- ansys 子程序的例子 To: ANSYS as a Subroutine Users From: John Thompson, ANSYS Technical Support -Included in the package are: 1. A Word document that describes the use of ANSYS as a subroutine including the descr iption of the example problems
- 一张电力系统设计图,发布本源码主要是想让大家学习一下图中电机转动的实现,动态的转动实现,到底是怎么做出来的,你看看就知道了,尤其是对机电车床了解的VC编程朋友,更应该-A power system design, publish the source code is mainly want people to learn about the realization of motor rotation diagram, dynamic rotation to achieve, in the end
- function mandelbrot Plots a Mandelbrot fractal which is updated after you zoom in Define options, all options are stored in OPT structure OPT.mm = 700 number of pixels (detail) in x direction OPT.nn = 400 number of pixels (detail) in y d
- CONTIGAS, the German gas group 81 per cent owned by the utility Bayernwerk, said yesterday that it intends to invest DM900m in the next four years to build a new gas distribution system in the east German state of Thuringia. Reporting on its
- 地震勘探数据是segy格式的,该程序用于该格式数据的写入,作者是colorado大学的教授。-Seismic data is segy format, the program used to write data to the format, the author is a professor at the University colorado.
- 福建PT风力发电机组日出力统计数据,可以根据该数据组,估计风速,做模型预测-PT wind turbine at Fujian output statistics data set according to the estimated wind speed, do model predictions
- 分类:电力系统。功能:实现分布式电网的潮流计算~~含报告~~3年前我自己写的。。。(要是审查不通过也就算了)-Power system analysis. It was a report for an graduate power course in a top 3 universities at power major in North America, and the proposal aims at solving the power flow in transmission and di
- 加拿大Calgary大学地震处理工具箱 包括: displaytools editlines fdElastic finitedif FOCI gabor_decon icons interpolation migration prertmtti raytrace reflectivity resolution rockModel seg2 segd segy seismic
- 电力变压器是电力系统中的主要设备之一,利用它可以把不同电压的电网联结在一起,组成复杂的电网或庞大的电力系统,并在其中发挥着重要的作用。电力变压器的可靠运行关系到整个电网的安全,如何对电力变压器的运行中的故障进行诊断,已成为电力部门急需解决的问题。目前,以油中溶解气体为特征量对变压器的故障进行分析,得到了广泛应用。 本次设计要求对电力变压器的内部故障进行广泛了解,并应用BP神经网络对变压器进行智能故障诊断软件设计,实现变压器内部故障论断。主要包括以下内容: 1、掌握用以变压器油中气体为特征
- CMG STARS里面 离散井筒法 定义水平井-This is the STARS data set for Lee s modified "Fourth SPE ** ** Comparative Solution Project- a Comparison of Steam Injection ** ** Simulators", paper SPE 13510, presented at the eigh