- 电脑销售信息系统,为了使关于数据库操作的部分能够用代码更好的控制,此系统没有使用Delphi自带的数据库组件和第三方控件,而直接引用了ado2.8类型库生成ADODB_TLB.pas对数据库进行控制,也就是“原生ADO”。-Sales of computer information systems, in order to make database operations on the part of the code can better control, this system does n
- Simple Query library allows you to include end user oriented SQL query/filter builder into your application. Your users will receive an ultimate ability to build their own queries without necessity to understand your database design or table relation
- ,本程序采用ASP+ACCESS开发. 2,此程序适合做土特产类CMS网站.包括特产相关文章管理系统,图片系统管理系统 3,程序代码简洁,管理方便快捷 4,程序全面防SQL注入,管理员密码采用MD5加密. 5,程序可自动生成GOOGLE网站地图. 6,该程序免费,但请保留程序版权相关信息 -This program developed using ASP+ ACCESS. 2, this procedure is suitable for native type CMS
- TinyDB 2.93 is a native Delphi database with very small footprints
- Native compilation in Oracle
- 了解如何应用在Microsoft数据访问技术ADO.NET的MDAC 2.0,2.82,SQL Server Native Client的,和JDBC驱动程序,如新的跟踪功能 和2005年在SQL Server的网络协议和Microsoft SQL Server的数据库引擎。 - Learn how to apply technology in Microsoft Data Access ADO.NET, MDAC 2.0,2.82, SQL Server Native Client s,
- sqlite3.7.10版本的数据库源码。可以移植到各种操作系统-This is the SQLite extension for Tcl using the Tcl Extension Architecture (TEA). For additional information on SQLite see http://www.sqlite.org/ UNIX BUILD ========== Building under most
- Mysql++是官方发布的、一个为MySQL设计的C++语言的API,这个API的作用是使工作更加简单且容易。 Mysql++为Mysql的C-Api的再次封装,它用STL(Standard Template Language)开发并编写,并为C++开发程序员提供象操作STL容器一样方便的操作数据库的一套机制。 解压后包括lib库、dll库以及相应的.h文件。解压后里面还有一个word文档说明了如何配置与使用。-MySQL++ is a C++ wrapper for MySQL’s
- 从身份证号提取籍贯,识别自1982年以来的所有身份证编码。-get the native place from id number
- Oracle Data Access Components (ODAC) is a library of components that provides native connectivity to Oracle Delphi, Delphi for .NET, C++Builder and Kylix. The ODAC library is designed to help programmers develop faster and cleaner Oracle applications
- IATroot为一款以Hook IAT表中的输入函数为基础的一款RootKit,功能比较完整,其中自带一个Native API的开发库及源代码。-IATroot Hook to one to table the IAT input function-based one RootK it, more functional integrity, which own a Native API development libraries and source code.
SQLDirect 6.4.3 Full Source
- SQLDirect Component Library is a light-weight Borland Database Engine replacement for Borland/CodeGear/Embarcadero Delphi v.5 - 10, 2010, XE-XE6 and C++Builder v.5 - 2010, XE-XE6. It uses the native application programming interfaces to access to the
SQL Server Native Client 9.0~11.0(32位和64位)
- SQL Server Native Client 9.0~11.0(32位和64位)(SQL Server Native Client 9.0~11.0)