- VB开发数据库系统 VB程序实例 内含工厂系统 学生系统等-VB database system containing examples of plant systems such as the students
- 一个焦化厂的电子称过秤软件,小巧实用,有需要修改的地方,不过已经能够胜任基本工作了。-A coking plant, said electronic weighing software, compact and practical, there is need to modify the areas, but the basic work has been capable of.
- iHistorian is the Foundation of the Plant Intelligence Solution. Plant Intelligence enables production managers to make business sense out of plant data – in real-time. Collect plant data into a secure, central repository Digitize plant
- 后台数据库为ACCESS的进销存软件。VC++编写。功能比较简单,包括客户管理查询、销售信息录入、查询和统计功能。用于小加工厂日常记录销售情况的工具-Background for invoicing ACCESS software. VC++ prepared. Function is relatively simple, including customer management query, sales information input, query and statistical fu