- 首先,分别对8255、8253进行初始化,设置8255为A口、C口输出,设置8253的计数器0为工作模式3;其次,设置IRQ7的中断矢量,使得有IRQ7中断时调用SERVER;再次,调用INIT对计数值初始化;最后,主程序循环等待中断,开始秒表的计时。 2、 INIT子程序-First, the 8255,8253 initialization, set for the 8255 A-C mouth output, set 8253 as the Counter mode 0 3; Second
- 硬盘主引导扇区读写程序源代码,可用于读取硬盘主引导扇区的信息也可对其进行修改。-hard disk's master boot sector literacy program's source code can be used to read hard disk's master boot sector information may also make changes.
- 编译器的原代码,希望对喜欢编译器的高手们有帮助-compiler of the original code, and I hope to the likes compiler expert who help
- 利用对网卡RTL8139的开发,使PC硬盘,网卡,口令为一体,从而实现对硬盘数据的保护.-use of the card RTL8139 development to make the PC hard drive, network card, passwords as one. thus the hard drive data protection.
- 我写的电子琴用8253的程序,有点浪费资源,不过听好用的,大家不妨参考一下-I write flower with 8,253 procedures, a bit of a waste of resources, but to listen to everything, you may wish to make reference to
- 这是一个病毒源代码(这个病毒没有杀伤力,绝对没有破坏数据,覆盖BIOS,窃取信息资料等恶意行为),上传目的就是让大家进一步了解汇编程序-This is a virus source code (the virus is not lethal, there is no damage to data, covering the BIOS theft of information and other malicious acts), upload aim is to make everyone a b
- 该源码是利用Image制作小动画,使你的窗体看起来更加漂亮....增加观赏性-source is the use of Image Making small animation, make your windows look more beautiful .... increase spectator
- 大学毕业设计!你们好好运用,不得用于其它非法方面-University graduate design! You make the best use shall not be used for other illegal connection
- 串行口通讯,实现由校验位的发送和接收,查询发送,中断接收-serial port communications, make the check-sending and receiving inquiries sending, receiving suspended
- 上传个小小程序:电子密码锁程序,希望大家能用得着.-uploads a small program : electronic password lock procedures in the hope that we can really make use of.
- 假定已经有许多应用采用了程序1 - 1 5中所定义的C u r r e n c y类,现在我们想要对C u r r e n c y类 的描述进行修改,使其应用频率最高的两个函数A d d和I n c r e m e n t可以运行得更快,从而提高应 用程序的执行速度。由于用户仅能通过p u b l i c部分所提供的接口与C u r r e n c y类进行交互,-assumption has been used for many applications of the program
- 用8255新片连接输入输出电路,输入设备是一组(8)个开关,输出是一组(8个)LED灯,写程序,在搬动开关时,使LED灯按某种规则变化(自己定义) -8255 with a new film linking the input and output circuit, input equipment is a group (8) switching, Output is a group (8) LED lights, write procedures, the moving of the swit
- 本程序为汇编语言实现的字符图形程序。1)制作一个图形元素表,表中将所需的各种字符图形编上号码,并用存储器映射法将其显示在屏幕的左上部分; 2)将光标定位在屏幕的右半部分画图区,上、下、左、右光标控制键控制光标在四个方向的移动,不显示其轨迹,同时要控制光标位置不超出画图区的边界; 3)当按动某一数字键时,在光标位置处显示出相应编号的字符图形,然后移动光标,再显示下一个图形,最后绘制出一幅由字符组成的图形。 4)按动ESC键,退出程序,返回DOS。 -procedures for t
- 你可以做个试试看,我是做了一个,有感觉-you can make a try, I have to do one, and feel that
- 利用8051单片机和DAC0832控制电源的输出从0~9.9V,并且实现0.1v的步进电压。我们先利用变压电路实现稳定的输入电压,在单片机的控制下是啊先显示和键盘的操作,直接控制DAC0832从而实现了电压的变换。可以利用手动和自动扫描来实现,能有效地控制输出电压,并且实现数化显示电压值。,The use of 8051 and DAC0832 output power control from 0 ~ 9.9V, and the realization of the step voltage
- 一个完整的计时器 ,汇编语言 计时精确到毫秒 ,计时长短也可以在程序里自行修改 -A complete timer assembly language to the millisecond timing precision, timing the length of program can also make its own decisions
- 自己编的汇编程序(masm5.0),执行后在DOS窗口显示路径,回车后自身即被删除,设成只读隐藏也不行,所以执行前请作好备份:)-A DOS assemble language program usng masm5.0,and it can delete itself from the hard disk when running,and even if you set the program file read-only or hidden attribute,so make sure bac
- 利用 SPCE061A 单片机、模拟交通灯控制模组建立十字路*通控制模型,要求系统具有下述功能: 1. 十字路口的四个路口都有双色LED(发红、绿光,叠加为黄色光)显示各路口的各条通道状态。 2. 每个路口有两位数码管显示当前红灯的倒计时。 3. 可利用按键或其它的方式模拟对车流量进行计数。 4.有四种工作状态:正常工作状态、紧急工作状态、设置状态和查旬状态。 5.红绿灯变换时有语音提示。 6.查询时,可语音播报当前路况。(作为扩展功能)-Use SPCE061A mi
- 设计一个符号显示电路,使其通过米字型数码管显示至少四页的自定义英文和数字符号。(每页4个字符)-Symbols are used to indicate the design of a circuit to make it through the rice-shaped digital display at least four custom in English and the number of symbols. (4 characters per page)