- simulink搭建的A律13折现编译码仿真实现-The simulink to build A law 13 discount compiled code simulation implementation
- 基于VHDL语言的a律13折线的编码,完成13位二进制码转换成8位码-Based on the VHDL language encoding of a law of 13 line
- ipython 是一个 python 的交互式 shell,比默认的python shell 好用得多,支持变量自动补全,自动缩进,支持 bash shell 命令,内置了许多很有用的功能和函数。在ubuntu 下只要 sudo apt-get install ipython 就装好了,通过 ipython 启动。-ipython is a python interactive shell, than the default python shell is much more useful to
- LCD 7" driver by LPC1768 and SSD1963
- 数据结构,多项式编辑器,其基本功能 1. 创建 2. 显示 3. 复制 4. 求和 5. 求差 6. 求值 7. 销毁 8. 清空 9. 修改(①插入新的结点、②删除已有结点、③修改已有结点的系数和指数) 拓展功能(选做): 10. 微分(N阶导数) 11. 不定积分 12. 定积分 13. 乘法和乘方 14. 除法 15. 最大公约式和最小公倍式 16. 多项式的四则运算(如 “(1+2*3)/4”)-Basic func
- Synchronization in Wireless Networks Page 13 of 13 RBS TDMA TPSN UDP Reference Broadcast Synchronization Time Division Multiple Access Timing-sync -Synchronization in Wireless Networks Page 13 of 13 RBS TDMA TPSN UDP Reference Broadcast Synchronizati
- 6502 cc65 c compiler if oyu like such simple 6502
- Your shell prompt MUST adhere to the following format: o Current date (optional) and time (mandatory) followed by the hash sign (e.g., 13:03:00#) Your shell MUST support, at minimum, the following commands: o The internal shell co
- 翻译 采用sph计算流体飞溅,程序采用Fortran编写-Using SPH to calculate fluid splash, the program uses Fortran
- 2.1 待分析的简单的词法 (1)关键字: begin if then while do end 所有的关键字都是小写。 (2)运算符和界符 : = + - * / < <= <> > >= = ; ( ) # (3)其他单词是标识符(ID)和整型常数(SUM),通过以下正规式定义: ID = letter (letter | digit)* NUM = digit digit* (4)空格有空白、制表符