- During his long sea voyages, Captain Cook was often absent in the evenings and eventually the crew began to joke that he must have a mistress in his cabin. When they discovered that the Captain had simply been playing this game with the ship s scien
- 游戏的* 属性金钱道具全能修改器吴单机-Stand-alone game plug-in attribute money props Almighty modify Wu
- 过程描述八数码问题,可以成功解决8数码游戏-Procedure describes eight digital issues can be successfully resolved eight digital game
- 一个适应性很强的脚本语言,这个语言将主要用来处理剧情,希望能够用于绝大多数需要剧情的游戏。带文档。-A flexible scr ipt language used for game logic.
- 这是tiny c compiler作者Fabrice Bellard参加IOCCC比赛写的非乱码的版本,只有一个C文件,代码量少,且可以产生elf文件,加以修改过参考tcc源代码就可以生成PE文件,需要的小伙伴请下载-This is the tiny c compiler of Fabrice Bellard wrote a non-participating IOCCC game garbled version, only one C files, less code, and can gen
- Game Luna regen tool
- good game if you play this. you can get a women. good luck
- war card game. play war with the computer
- Classic Snake game in visual C#
- 用VC++6.0设计的扫雷小游戏,需要编写的可以用来参考。-VC++6.0 design of the mine game, you need to write can be used to reference.
- This program build a hybrid game of falling fruit and tetris in 2D plane
- this the car game which build in c/c-this is the car game which build in c/c++
- It is a simple project just to provide a Hang Man game concept.In this project I haven’t draw a man for a wrong choice so,try to draw a simple man by using “|” pattern in your project which make your project better . Here is the source code ,copy a
- TRUCKGAME: We are all familiar with the mobile game which we used to play ,where there were vehicles moving in opposite direction and the player was supposed to miss them.This is a similiar implementation.