- 本文设计了一种实用新型计算机温度采集系统,采用AD590作温度传感器,ADC0809作模数转换器。该系统原理简单,结构紧凑,成本低廉,适用于需要多点测温的场合,广泛应用于工业生产和人们日常生活中,并显示出了经济、可靠的优越性。本文对系统中的各个组成部分的原理、功能、线路图、芯片的功能作了一个详细的介绍,测量误差符合系统所规定的要求。-Designed a utility model computer temperature acquisition system, using AD590 as a
- The STM32VLDISCOVERY is a low-cost and quick way to discover the STM32 value line. It includes everything required for beginners and experienced users to get started quickly. The STM32 value line Discovery includes an STM32F100 value line microcontro
- calculates cost of one ounce of pure alcohol given volume, price, and proof. special calculations for beer and if converting from mL to Oz.
- 出租车计费器,可以对出租车行驶的路程和相应的费用进行计数-Taxi fare register can count driving distance and the corresponding cost for a taxi.
- The idea behind CRC calculation is to look at the data as one largebinary number. This number is divided by a certain value and the remainder ofthe calculation is called the CRC. Dividing in the CRC calculation at firstlooks to cost a lot of computin
- Economic load dispatch problem is allocating loads to plants for minimum cost while meeting the constraints. It is formulated as an optimization problem of minimizing the total fuel cost of all committed plant while meeting the demand and losses -Eco
- 蚁群算法解决TSP问题。通过蚁群算法解决一个城市的结合以及城市之间的旅行代价,寻找经过每个城市一次且仅一次而最终返回的旅行最小代价,及寻找最短路径。-Ant colony algorithm to solve TSP problem. Through the combination of ant colony algorithm to solve a city and cost of travel between cities, seeking after each city once and