- TS compiler use to view code to be disassemble
- 反编译及查看DLL文件,exe文件. 非常实用-Decompile, and view the DLL files, exe files. Very useful
- PASCAL子集转换为C语言的程序,语法请自己查看myparse.y文件-PASCAL subset is converted to C language, syntax files at your own view myparse.y
- 详细设计的目的就是指导编码,明确的说,就是将你的设计拿给不同的人去写编码,写出来的程序处理流程相同.后续的评审或者是有人接替你的工作,只要查看详细设计,就能清楚你当时是怎样设计这些流程的。-The purpose is to guide the detailed design codes, specifically, is that your design showed that different people to write code, written procedures for pro
- 实验二:TINY扩充语言的语法分析 扩充的语法规则有:实现 while、do while、for语句和求余计算式子,具体文法规则自行构造。 可参考:P97及P136的文法规则。 (1) While-stmt --> while exp do stmt-sequence endwhile (2) Dowhile-stmt-->do stmt-sequence while exp (3) for-stmt-->for identifier:=
- 反编译工具,可以查看dll文件,适合对软件进行反编译-Decompilation tool, you can view the dll files, suitable for decompilation of software
- 反编译工具,exe文件查看器,可以查看exe文件,利于反编-Decompilation tools, exe file viewer, you can view the exe file, conducive to decompile
- 2 Introduction This educational software simulates an Ad-hoc network with AODV algorithm, it uses a high level view and only works in Routing layer. it has a user-friendly graphical user interface and has been written in java language. Here is
- This program is about flight booking self-service. User is prompt the date and seat of the flight. After that, they can view back their booking information.
- ResHacker-3.5用于查看,修改,添加和删除 Win32 可执行文件的资源,内置了一个内部资源编译器和反编译器,可以工作于 Win9x, WinNT, Win2000, WinXP 和 Win2003。-Resource used to view, modify, add, and delete Win32 executable file resources, built an internal resource compiler and decompiler can work in W
- Image view in xcode
- Video summarization refers to creating a summary of a video. Medical examinations like endoscopy and bronchoscopy lasts more than 20 minutes .The doctor may not have sufficient time to watch the entire video or the whole of video content may not be o
- CudaPAD is a PTX/SASS viewer for NVIDIA Cuda kernels -CudaPAD is a PTX/SASS viewer for NVIDIA Cuda kernels Introduction CudaPAD is software that aids in the optimizing and understanding of NVidia’s Cuda kernels by displaying an on-the-fly vi
- 类_JSON_:已实现JSON解析、生成、编辑的整套方案,并已封装成模块。 未参照任何开源解析算法,经过多次改进已然成为了一个稳定强大的json处理核心。 类_格式化JSON_快速:以类的形式对json文本格式化和反格式化, 类的封装意味着一段超长文本可以分几次加入是没有问题的,不再担心卡机。 JSON调试器:JSON解析模块的附属品,也算是模块的例程,依托强大的 JSON解析、编辑核心已然可以说是最强大的JSON视图调试器,助您快速准确的 找出json文本中的错误原因。
- 磁盘ID查看和更改。本程序己汉化,使用此程序可以对磁盘ID进行查看和更改。-View and change the disk ID. This program has finished, you can use this program to view and change the disk ID.
- This mini project is written by my friend in C++ which is simple console application without graphics.This a fee structure program It can be used for following ways:- 1.We can view the fee slip of a student of a class 2.We can also Modify the fee
- GNU bison 是属于 GNU 项目的一个语法分析器生成器。Bison 把一个关于“向前查看 从左到右 最右”(LALR) 上下文无关文法的描述转化成可以分析该文法的 C 或 C++ 程序。它也可以为二义文法生成 “通用的 从左到右 最右” (GLR)语法分析器。(GNU bison is a parser generator that belongs to the GNU project. Bison transforms a descr iption of "forward v
- wascompress用于查看WAS并编译WAS文件。很好用的一款小程序。(Wascompress is used to view WAS and compile WAS files. Very good use of a small program.)
- wapcompress用于查看WAP格式的文件,并且可以编译WAP格式的文件。使用很方便。(Wapcompress is used to view files in WAP format, and WAP files can be compiled. It's very convenient to use.)
- WDF解压工具WdfRes,用于解压梦幻西游的WDF文件。可以查看和解压。(WDF decompression tool WdfRes, used to extract the Fantasy Westward Journey WDF file. You can view and decompress.)