- CIH病毒详细解说 每一行程序都有详细的解释 , 让你了解CIH 病毒设计的原理及运作机制, 更可让你进一步修改, 改成另一版的病毒, 是病毒界不可多得的好数据啊-CIH virus detailed explanation of each line processes detailed explanation let you know the CIH virus design principle and operation mechanism, but also allows you to f
- C语言写的*,网上观摩过来的,仅供学术交流,请勿用于违法行为。-Trojan written in C, on-line to watch over, only for academic exchange, do not use illegal.
- 朋友写的查毒工具,根据病毒的特征码查找运行中的(或磁盘中的)同类病毒. 他测试不严谨,可能不太准,大家凑合试试吧,吸取经验就行 -Friends write check narcotics tools, according to the operation of the virus signature look (or disk) the same virus. He did not rigorous testing, may not be accurate, we make do try
- Clam AntiVirus 是一款 UNIX 下开源的 (GPL) 反病毒工具包,专为邮件网关上的电子邮件扫描而设计。该工具包提供了包含灵活且可伸缩的监控程序、命令行扫描程序以及用于自动更新数据库的高级工具在内的大量实用程序。该工具包的核心在于可用于各类场合的反病毒引擎共享库。-Clam AntiVirus is an open source under UNIX (GPL) anti-virus toolkit for e-mail scanning on mail gateways des
- 用于杀毒能防御一致的和未知的威胁保护计算机安全和用户的利益-Defensive line can be used for anti-virus and unknown threats and protect the interests of users of computer security
- 《蓝色防线》主要有“网站安全查询”、“垃圾网站屏蔽”、“IE修复锁定”、“*云查杀”和“安全百宝箱”五大功能。这其中,“网站安全查询”调用的是“诺顿安全网址查询”的查询结果,它同时包含网站预览截图功能,可以在浏览网站前先了解网页大致内容;而“*云查杀”则是调用在线多杀毒引擎文件检测,实现传说中的“云查杀”。-" Blue line" main " website security check," " spam site blocking"
- 极精简的冰刃killer 功能代码2行 话说看到之前的文章,感慨时间过得真快... ======New One======================== 不用LzOpenProcess 不用Taskkill.exe 模拟按键 不用EndTask 无提示 Ring3废了冰刃(窗体+后台) 谁能接棒 写个Kill Process Of IceSword?-Frostsaber killer features very compact co
- 现一个刚出炉的文件比较小工具 icdiff. icdiff 可以并列显示两个文件的不同,比传统的 diff 好看多了。是取代命令行diff的好工具- Now just released a file comparison gadget icdiff. icdiff can be juxtaposed display two different files, much better than the traditional diff. Is a good tool to replace