- c++pso程序,用6个基本函数验证的粒子群算法程序-c pso procedures, with six basic functions of the certification process PSO
- * 算法描述: 分段 -> 段内排序 -> 归约结果。 * 1,根进程读取输入,将元素个数广播给各个进程。 * 2,然后各进程计算段长度和段偏移。 * 3,然后根进程选择第一个段,标记站位符。 * 4,跟进程将剩余元素发送给下一进程,下一进程选择段的同时,根进程排序。 * 5,下一进程继续此过程,直到最后一个进程,所有元素都进行排序。 * 6,进程将排序好的元素,按照段偏移归约给根进程。 * 7,根进程输入结果。 *
- 本计算器实现了如下两个功能: 1、windows自带计算器的键盘输入加减乘除,目前没有连续运算功能操作:用户用键盘或者鼠标分别输入‘1’,‘+’,‘2’,按‘=’ 文本框显示运算结果‘3’。 2、表达式运算功能,目前只支持整数运算。操作:选择菜单Option->Expression,在文本框用键盘输入表达式如‘12/2+(4*5/4)*6’,按计算器上‘=’,文本框显示运算结果 ‘12/2+(4*5/4)*6=36’。 3、换肤功能 提供了4种skin,可以自由切换。操作:菜单Skin-&
eucalyptus-1.6.2 云计算平台eucalyptus源代码
- 云计算平台eucalyptus源代码,其中我分析了集群控制器和关于存储方面(storage,CLC下的walrus,SC)的代码,让大家对该平台有个了解和提升-Cloud computing platform eucalyptus source code, which I analyzed the cluster controller and on the storage (storage, CLC under the walrus, SC) of the code, so that we ha
- mahout上的源码,包括各种算法,如SVD-mahout on the source, including a variety of algorithms, such as the SVD. .
- Why your files are not be used? 1.The content is too simple 2.Is not a sourcecode or document 3.lost some files 4.Descr iption is not detailed or not correct 5.Compressed file has password 6.Sourcecode duplicate or already exist
- Why your files are not be used? 1.The content is too simple 2.Is not a sourcecode or document 3.lost some files 4.Descr iption is not detailed or not correct 5.Compressed file has password 6.Sourcecode duplicate or already exist
- MPI实现, 主进程的按续与乱续打印,需要安装MPICH,并且在VC++6.0环境下编译-MPI implementation, the main process in accordance with the chaos continued renewal of print, need to install MPICH, and in VC++6.0 compiler environment
- This a parallel program that solve the heat distribution problem in array mode.the 6.11 prorblem of chapter 6 in parallel programing techniques and application using networked workstations and parallel copmuters by barry wilkinson -This is a parallel
- 1. It consists of n processes 2. Managing the process of asking about willingness to work with all other processes. 3. Child process takes the message from the control of the process and sends the message that is ready to work. 4. Managing t
- Multiplication of matrices of size and MxK HxM. ALL shipment must be made without blocking! Managing the process: 1. Asks for the dimensions of matrices M, K, N. 2. Produces dynamic formation and filling of matrix operands. 3. Prepares
- 该代码为矩阵qr分解的并行算法,采用的是MPI编程方法-The code for the matrix qr decomposition parallel algorithms, using the MPI programming
- 并发程序设计,比较计算机系统处理并发和串行时,时间的花费,说明并行的优越性。程序用VC++6.0菜单式编程实现-Concurrent programming, comparing concurrent and serial processing computer system, the time spent, shows the superiority of the parallel. Program with VC++6.0 menu-driven programming
- 使用DCOM和VC++6.0编程实现了AKL并行K选择算法!带有详细的注释!非常详细可直接运行和测试。-Using DCOM and VC++6.0 K parallel programming selection algorithm of the AKL! With detailed notes! Very detailed and the test can be run directly.
- 使用DCOM和VC++6.0编程实现了Cannon矩阵并行算法!带有详细的注释!非常详细可直接运行和测试。-Using DCOM and VC++6.0 program to realize matrix Parallel Algorithm Cannon! With detailed notes! Very detailed and the test can be run directly.
- 使用DCOM和VC++6.0编程实现了倍增技术寻找森林的根的并行算法带有详细的注释!非常详细可直接运行和测试。-VC++6.0 using DCOM and the programming of the multiplication technology to find the root of the forest parallel algorithm with detailed notes! Very detailed and the test can be run directly.
- CPU Time Scheduling in Visual Basic 6.
- VC++,VS2010平台上的三个CUDA dll测试程序(一个是库文件程序,另外两个是VS2010平台和VisualC++6.0平台下的测试程序,可以方便地作为CUDA dll应用程序开发的框架,为了能正确运行这些程序,请确保已经安装了NVIDIA GPU Computing SDK 4.0 及以上,并且电脑上要有NVIDIA的GPU显卡),程序均有详细的注释。文章可参考http://blog.csdn.net/menglongbor/article/details/7526493-VC++,
- 输入的第一行是一个整数N(1 <= N <= 100),表示学生的总数。 接下来的N行每行是一位学生的数据,从左向右依次是姓名,期末平均成绩,班级评议成绩,是否是学生干部,是否是西部省份学生,以及发表的论文数。姓名是由大小写英文字母组成的长度不超过20的字符串(不含空格);期末平均成绩和班级评议成绩都是0到100之间的整数(包括0和100);是否是学生干部和是否是西部省份学生分别用一个字符表示,Y表示是,N表示不是;发表的论文数是0到10的整数(包括0和10)。每两个相邻数据项之
- DAC0832 接口电路程序,产生频率为762.9Hz的锯齿波-DAC0832 interface circuit program to generate a frequency of 762.9Hz sawtooth