- MPI编程-Nbody问题并行程序(计算1000个天体的移动,天体数据由文件sample_input.in读入,结果输出到文件result1000.data)-MPI Programming-Nbody Parallel (1000 calculated the movement of celestial bodies, Objects sample_input.in data from the document read into, Results output to a file resul
- 基于最新一代通用GPU--Geforce8800,在CUDA平台上开发流体模拟程序,是基于GPU的通用计算应用在图形学领域的一个范例。由于该环境在国内不常见,并且支持模拟环境,保留了可执行文件作为参考。-based on the latest generation of common GPU -- Geforce8800. CUDA platform in the development of fluid simulation program, GPU is based on the gener
- 使用本软件,可计算出中小型工程三相短路电流。 若已确认但尚未进行下步计算之前,发现输入的支路类型或数据有误,可单击窗体另行输入。 计算三相短路电流时,请确认短路点编号及对应的网络平均电压。 双击窗体,可以打印出窗体上的图象。但,应将打印机预设为A4纸型,横向打印。 文件打印至硬盘,可用Word软件处理后存档及打印。 本软件不采用通常的网络变换。而先建立电导增广矩阵,解此矩阵即可求出各节点电位以及各支路电压降、电流。之后,方按不同电源类型,分别采用恒定电压或机组运转曲
- new整数划分 源文件 -new source file new integer division source document
- 空间物理学研究需要有并行的环境,这文章是一个MPI并行环境的说明文件。非常有用的。-parallel environment is needed in Space Physical research,this paper is a instruction file for Parallel environment.it s very useful!
- 多线程程序,以进行数据保护。程序打开一个text文件,线程按行从文件中读取数据同时计算每行的字母数为奇数和偶数的单词的个数,然后关闭文件,输出最后的结果。 -Multithreaded programs, for data protection. Program opens a text file, thread by line read from the file while in each of the line An odd number of letters and even the
- 串行程序。程序打开一个text文件,线程按行从文件中读取数据同时计算每行的字母数为奇数和偶数的单词的个数,然后关闭文件,输出最后的结果。 -Multithreaded programs, for data protection. Program opens a text file, thread by line read from the file while in each of the line An odd number of letters and even the number o
- sram操作vhdl源程序,内有sdram模型,控制器设计,及测试源程序-sram operating in vhdl \doc DDR SDRAM reference design documentation \model Contains the vhdl SDRAM model \route Contains the Quartus 2000.05 project files a routed controller design \simulation
- 一个自己写的Hadoop MapReduce实例源码,网上看到不少网友在学习MapReduce编程,但是除了wordcount范例外实例比较少,故上传自己的一个。包含完整实例源码,编译配置文件,测试数据,可执行jar文件,执行脚本及操作步骤。学习完此例子后,你能掌握MapReduce基础编程,及如何编译Java文件,打包jar文件,编写shell执行脚本等。后续学习还可以参看本人的CSDN博客,如有问题也可以在线为你解答,不过本人也学习Hadoop不足一年,现学现卖而已,也可能力不能及,有些难的
- 读取文件,然后根据要求选择进程数,并行运算,最后在得出的各个结果中选出最大值-Read the file, and then asked to choose the number of processes, parallel computing, in the end all the results obtained to select the maximum
- 用VC++实现的对并行计算和进化计算中分类问题,读取数据文件的源程序-With VC++ Achieved on parallel computing and evolutionary computation in the classification of the source data file to read
- 可以编写此程序,自动生成一个abc文件,可以在文件中写入内容,保存后运行程序就可以计算出文件的字符数。主要是运用统计的观念。-The preparation of this program can automatically generate a abc file, you can write content in the document, run the program save the file can be calculated on the number of characters.
- 实现图像文件与.dat文件之间的转换,在DSP程序中输入数据有用。-The realization of image files with the. Dat file conversion between the DSP program useful input data.
- 该压缩包包含下三角表格采用抽象数据类型实现的头文件和实现文件。-This file contains the lower_triangle s implement files and head files.
- 并行计算程序 Descr iption: This program blurs an image file in a parallelized computation The root process reads the file and distributes a part of the image file to other processes. Each process makes the filter operation on the part of the image
- Write an MPI program that solves a set of linear equations Ax = b with the 并行计算 Jacobi method. The root process reads the matrix A and the vector b from files. The file names have to be specified by the user as parameters.-Write an MPI p
- 主要还是让A(i,j) B(i,j)进行移动A(i,i+j),B(i+j,j),然后进能直接相乘。具体的内容可以看并行算法导论,-Matrix multiplication with the Cannon Algorithm: The Cannon Algorithm for matrix multiplication was presented in the course “Parallel and Distributed Algorithms “by Dr. Klauck. Sh
- Why your files are not be used? 1.The content is too simple 2.Is not a sourcecode or document 3.lost some files 4.Descr iption is not detailed or not correct 5.Compressed file has password 6.Sourcecode duplicate or already exist
- this file help you to know about what you dont know
- Descr iption: This Program Performs the following: (1) Animates the movement of a Billiard Ball on a table that has a surface friction (mu) and coefficient of restitution (e) for the sides and saves it as an AVI file. (2) Outputs series of row