- 介绍mpi的课程书籍,从国外知名大学下载,对于学习并行计算具有非常大的价值,推荐-introduced MPI curriculum books, from well-known foreign universities download, learning parallel computing has great value, recommended!
- 该程序通过PN码来实现无源定位的功能,有三个基站,分别计算目标距三个基站的时间,从而得出目标的坐标-the procedures adopted to achieve the PN passive positioning functions, the three base stations, Goals were calculated from the three base stations, thereby reaching the target coordinates
- 利用不均一分割的FDTD解析程序,为了适应正确表现小型天线的局部部位的细小构造,还有包含电介质材料的电磁场问题而由本研究室开发的解析法。这种解析法可以提高解析效率,并且因为正确表现天线的细小构造,也可以达到提高解析结果精度的目的。-use an uneven division of FDTD analytical procedures, In order to adapt to the correct performance of the local small antenna parts of
- 从其他网站下载的经典蚁群算法,对初学者非常有用,请看看。-downloaded from other websites of the classic ant algorithm, very useful for beginners, please look at.
- 从网上下载的路由算法C语言板,对初学者特别有用,清下载试用。-downloaded from the Internet routing algorithm C language board, especially useful for beginners, money download the trial.
- MPI编程-Nbody问题并行程序(计算1000个天体的移动,天体数据由文件sample_input.in读入,结果输出到文件result1000.data)-MPI Programming-Nbody Parallel (1000 calculated the movement of celestial bodies, Objects sample_input.in data from the document read into, Results output to a file resul
- 讀取SLA檔案,計算全球每月海潮趨勢。(以1992年10月至2002年8月為例)-SLA read files, calculating the monthly tide of global trends. (From October 1992 to August 2002 as an example)
- How the K-mean Cluster work Step 1. Begin with a decision the value of k = number of clusters Step 2. Put any initial partition that classifies the data into k clusters. You may assign the training samples randomly, or systematically as the f
- 由于一个数值问题的精确解往往事先不知道,而用数值方法求出的计算解的误差又是不可避免的。因此,数值解是否失真,如何判断──即误差问题,成为大家所关心的重要而又困难的问题,本章只介绍了误差的基本概念和数值计算的若干原则,这对处理数值计算问题是必需的,但是仅这些还远远不能解决工程和科学计算中更为复杂的误差分析问题,还需专门分门别类地进行研究。-as an accurate numerical solution of the problem often did not know in advance,
- 多线程程序,以进行数据保护。程序打开一个text文件,线程按行从文件中读取数据同时计算每行的字母数为奇数和偶数的单词的个数,然后关闭文件,输出最后的结果。 -Multithreaded programs, for data protection. Program opens a text file, thread by line read from the file while in each of the line An odd number of letters and even the
- 串行程序。程序打开一个text文件,线程按行从文件中读取数据同时计算每行的字母数为奇数和偶数的单词的个数,然后关闭文件,输出最后的结果。 -Multithreaded programs, for data protection. Program opens a text file, thread by line read from the file while in each of the line An odd number of letters and even the number o
- 微粒群算法[PSO ] 是由Kennedy 和Eberhart等于1995 年开发的一种演化计算技术, 来源于对鸟群捕食过程的模拟。PSO同遗传算法类似,是一种基于叠代的优化工具,但与遗传算法使用遗传操作子进行优化不同,利用群体中各个体之间的“协作”与“竞争”关系,根据自身及其竞争者的飞行经验,调整自己的行为。同遗传算法比较,PSO的优势在于简单容易实现并且没有许多参数需要调整。目前已广泛应用于函数优化,神经网络训练,模糊系统控制以及其他遗传算法的应用领域。,Particle Swarm Opt
- CUDA开发计算,异步计算接口。可以在主机与现存之间异步执行。来自NVIDIA SDK-CUDA development of computing, asynchronous computing interface. Can be asynchronous between the host and the existing implementation. From the NVIDIA SDK
- A Function Optimizer using Simple Genetic Algorithm developed from the Pascal SGA code
- 神经网络中模拟退火算法MATLAB源程序,挺不错的,大家可以学习一下。-Neural networks simulated annealing algorithm in MATLAB source code, very good, we can learn from you.
- 并行算法实验用的源代码,是从国外大学下载挑选的,真正的内部资料。-Parallel algorithm used in the experiment source code, is downloaded from selected foreign universities, the real internal information.
- This control is another extension to the now standard and widely used ListView control. I have included some of the more common features: shaded columns, column sorting (with data type), but the real addition is the FILTERBAR features of the header.
- 并行磁共振成像中基础算法GRAPPA的应用实例,一维成像,8线圈采集的数据-1D GRAPPA reconstruction from an 8-channel head array coil using least-square matrix inversion. The data were simulated from the combination of B1 fields by Biot-Savart s law and anatomical features from MPRAGE s
- 并行磁共振成像的经典算法SENSE在一维成像中的应用-1D SENSE reconstruction from an 8-channel head array coil using least-square matrix inversion. The data were simulated from the combination of B1 fields by Biot-Savart s law and anatomical features from MPRAGE sequences
- 1. LED的显示原理: 16×16扫描LED点阵的工作原理同8位扫描数码管类似。它有16个共阴极输出端口,每个共阴极对应有16个LED显示灯,所以其扫描译码地址需4位信号线(sel0-sel3),其汉字扫描码由16位段地址(l0-l15)输入。 通过时钟的每列扫描显示完整汉字。 2. 本试验实现输出“欢迎光临”四个汉字,采用两种格式输出:(1)依次从右向左连续输出;(2)单个汉字从上及下刷新输出。 -1. LED display Principle: 16 × 16 dot mat