- RC4 加密解密单元delphi版 附件压缩包里有两个单元文件,其中Rc4_Kol_Unit.pas是在delphi KOL编程时引用。若只是delphi编程只须引用Rc4_Unit.pas单元即可。 函数名: Rc4_StrEncrypt() 描 述: RC4 Based string encryption 参 数: i_Encrypt ——为 1 是加密, 0 是解密(integer类型); s_EncryptText ——待加密(解密
- GOOGLE上很容易查到怎样对 panel 进行透明处理,但实现起来还是有些难度。 这个组件已经对 透明panel方法 作了封装,安装后直接拖拉使用。刷新速快,背景不闪! 包里有源程序,可以再次定制二次开发。-GOOGLE on how to easily check on the panel transparent, but still some more difficult to achieve. This component has a transparent panel on t
- 更正了之前Cookie处理有误的问题,处理了上一个版本在有些服务器上老是超时的问题,加了文件上传的功能,另外还有一个从delphibbs上找到的文件上传组件,我也一并放在压缩包里了,其他的主要是程序结构上的调整,希望能对朋友们有用-Corrected before the issue of Cookie error handling to deal with some of the previous version of a timeout on the server is always the
- 使用delphi实现的仓库进出仓物品信息的管理,详细功能及文件在压缩包里-Use delphi to achieve the warehouse and out of the management of information storage materials, detailed functions and file in the compressed bag
- 根据tommsoft提供的恶意软件清理工具提供的开发包,汉化整理而成,由于上次失误,没有发源代码,特重新发出! -According to tommsoft malware provided by the development of clean-up tool bag, finished order made that since the previous errors, there is no origin code, special re-issue!
- delphi资料包,只要您能踏踏实实的看完这些资料包里的内容,并且能够完整清晰的讲述给别人听,并且别人也听懂了,我想你已经是一个Delphi的高手了-delphi kit, as long as you can read manner, so the information content of the bag, and can complete and clear about listening to others and understand others, I think you'
- Delphi源码,网络相关,*,远程控制 远程控制软件——* vip 1.2 Delphi版的源代码,主程序内含客户端和服务端,压缩包内另附有所用到的控件包-Delphi source, network-related gray pigeon, remote control remote control software- gray pigeons vip 1.2 of Delphi version of the source code, the main program con
- 在此文件包里有一文本文件,里面包括XE4安装序列号以及对如何使用XE4的破解文件作了介绍!-A text file in the file bag, including XE4 installation serial number as well as to how to use XE4 file introduces the crack!
- VeCAD v6.0注册版。一个与AUTOCAD兼容的矢量图形库。下载包里含有注册码。-VeCAD v6.0 registered version. One compatible with AUTOCAD vector graphics library. Download bag containing the registration code.
- 一个dev界面风格设计程序,只用dev控件就可以设计出漂亮协调的界面,外加teechart饼图、散点图、柱形图的设计。压缩包里有teechart控件。-A dev style interface design process, only dev control will be able to design beautiful interface design coordination, plus TeeChart pie chart, scatter, column chart. Compres
EhLib 9.0 Full Source
- 大家都明白的!一个很好用的控件包!特别是DBGridEH控件!(Everybody knows! A nice control bag! Especially the DBGridEH control!)