- VC7.1中如果将char*作为key的话需要重载关于char*的hash_compare函数 可是我怎么都没法搞定 只好将char*转为int,反正指针地址总是唯一的,然后重载关于 int的hash_compare函数,使用时将char*强制转为int即可我想除了用STLPort外,应该还有更好的方法吧 -VC7.1 which will char * key as the need for heavy char * has h_compare function but I h
- 完成了这个程序的最初版本,当时它是我的另一个程序的Plug In,这是我第一次做有关XML的程序。最初做它是我在上网中下载使用《新浪点点通》而得到的灵感^_^(其实到最后完全成了仿造《新浪点点通了》里面的资源基本上都来自它,包括最后的程序界面)。在完成这第一个版本时本程序逻辑算法上还有很多错误,界面也很粗糙。-Completed the initial version of this program, when it is my another program of the Plug In, t
- 本文描述了如何使用IBM Information Server 8.1 DataStage创建并行作业实现从oracle中获得数据,全文为操作截图。-This article describes how to use the IBM Information Server 8.1 DataStage parallel jobs created to get data from a oracle, full-text screenshot for the operation.
- 根据硬盘序列号获取,并生成软件注册码,控制软件的使用权-According to the hard disk serial number to get, and generate software registration code, the right to use control software
- This directory contains a C++ software toolkit built at NIST for programming with ISO 14649 Parts 10, 11, and 111. Those parts are a data model to be used for control of a machining center. Those Parts are fully covered. The toolkit suppor
- This directory contains a C++ software toolkit built at NIST for programming with ISO 14649 Parts 10, 11, and 111. Those parts are a data model to be used for control of a machining center. Those Parts are fully covered. The toolkit suppor
- 介绍了RBF神经网络的基本模型,并根据此模型编写了相关的matlab程序,此程序可以以任意精度逼近目标值,最后可得到网络的训练次数,权值和阈值。-Introduce the RBF neural network model, and write program by matlab according to this model, this procedure can be arbitrary precision approaching the target.Finally we can get
- 通过gsoap调用webservice获取ip归属地的例子-Examples of gsoap call webservice Get ip attribution
- 基于MFC界面设计,可以摆脱单纯的黑色背景DOS操作框-Based the MFC interface design, you can get rid of a pure black background DOS operating box
- you can get the knownedge of how to use ogr-if you have watched this book, you can get the knownedge of how to use ogr.I think it will very helpful to you.
- 一,二,三次拟合,并得到R方的检验。输入任何矩阵,得出险要的值。-One, two, three fitting and get R-square test. Enter any matrix derived advantageous values.
- 基于VC2008开发的firefox插件,能获取本地MAC.-Firefox plugin developed based VC2008 can get local MAC.
- 新成立的Drunbee 银行,在福州开辟了办事处。他们对每个客户都有一个确定且唯一的 编号ID,去银行办理业务的客户都会得到一个优先级P,并在休息室等候。该银行打破传统, 并非总是从休息室中取优先级最高的客户办理业务。因此,银行的服务系统需要完成以下功 能: 0-Drunbee newly established bank, has opened an office in Fuzhou. They have one of each customer and to determin
- 进行三相暂态电能质量分析,可以获得短路各相瞬时电压值和电流值-Transient three-phase power quality analyzer, you can get a short circuit of each phase instantaneous voltage and current values
- 纯lua实现,实现linux系统上的离线下载服务-Pure lua, achieving offline download service on the linux system
- 折叠桌的设计系统,GUI,只要选择桌面形状,以及高度就能自动得到桌子各种参数-Design of the system, the folding table GUI, as long as the choice of the shape of the table top, automatically get various parameters table and height can
- 苏飞HttpHelper类,用来实现Http访问,Post或者Get方式的,直接访问,带Cookie的,带证书的等方式,可以设置代理。是初学者学习抓包的好材料。-Su Fei HttpHelper class that implements Http access, Post or Get methods, direct access, etc. with Cookie s, with a certificate, you can set the proxy. Ethereal is a goo
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- 程序基于arcGIS engin 10.0 开发的,用于对DEM进行切割,使切线得到高程值(The program is developed based on arcGIS engin 10, which is used to cut DEM, so that the tangents can get elevation values)
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