- 一个利用了XCODE里面PICKERS控件的例程,很详细的描述了控件的使用方法,对做*,IPHONE日期选择器等程序借鉴意义很大~!-A good example which utilizes the PICKERS CONTROL in the XCODE. It described in great detail the use of PICKERS control. It will help a lot in making slot machines, IPHONE date pick
- 能够读取DPX图像文件中的头文件信息,包括文件大小、图像指针偏移、宽高比、创建时间-read DPX file header info,including file size, image offset, width&height and so on
- DDRSRAM 由于经常看到,经常用到,所以还是大家下载下来看看吧!-DDRSRAM often see as a result, frequently used, so we downloaded it to see!
- System will automatically delete the directory of debug and release, so please do not put files on these two.
- mac os入门资料,介绍了mac os平台编程的一些事项和编程入门,基础知识的讲解,等等,如果第一次接触mac编程,一定不能错过-mac os entry information on the mac os platform programming some of the issues and programming to introduce the basic knowledge of the talks, and so on, if the first contact with the m
- 这个东西来的可不轻松,如果可以,请不要交给卡扎费同志-This thing do not come easily, if so, comrades, do not charge to kaza
- 本书内容覆盖了用于Mac OS X和IPhone的Apple开发工具箱中的所有工具。-Learn Xcode Tools for Mac OS X and iPhone Development is the only book that covers all of the tools in Apple’s developer toolkit for both Mac OS X and iPhone application development. So many developers are c
- 关于iphone的入门教程,让读者快速掌握开发方法-Tutorial on the iphone, so that the reader quickly grasp the development of methods
- This the file header for a DBF. We do this special layout with everything // packed so we can read straight from disk into the structure to populate it-This is the file header for a DBF. We do this special layout with everything // packe
- 在IOS上实现的一个飞机游戏,包括内存管理、碰撞检测、导弹运行轨迹设计等等。-A plane game compiled in IOS, including memory management, collision detection, design of gun route, and so on.
- 每个进程有一个进程控制块(PCB)表示。进程控制块可以包含如下信息:进程名、优先数、到达时间、需要运行时间、已用CPU时间、进程状态等等。 进程的优先数及需要的运行时间可以事先人为地指定(也可以由随机数产生)。 进程的到达时间为进程输入的时间。 进程的运行时间以时间片为单位进行计算。 每个进程的状态可以是就绪W(Wait)、运行R(Run)、或完成F(Finish)三种状态之一。 就绪进程获得CPU后都只能运行一个时间片,运行后已占用CPU时间加
- 是iphone开发的小例子,具有tabviewcontroller,可以切换页。具有查询网站功能,音乐播放功能,视频播放功能的实例代码-a small case used in iphone development, you can follow to learn to swith tab, audio play,movie play and so on
- 此书描述了苹果开发中优秀项目的经典源码片段,让你了解这些优秀项目为什么能产生大的访问量,是应用开发者不可多得的好书。-The book describes the outstanding items in the Apple Developer classic source fragment, so that you understand why these outstanding projects can generate a large number of visits, applicati
- 自己学习的时候编写的例子,里面包括数据库的简单应用,UITableView、UINavigationBar、UITableBar、UIAlertView等等的使用。-When they learn to write examples of which include the use of a simple database application, the UITableView, UINavigationBar UITableBar, the UIAlertView and so on.
- 在iphone开发应用程序中,tabbar是经常用到的,本例子让你明白tabbar的使用。-Iphone development application, the tabbar is often used in this example so that you understand the tabbar use.
- ios toggleview 控件,其实就是初学者的教程了-the toggleview controls of ios,so is the first study ios cource
- You use an AVPlayer object to implement controllers and user interfaces for single- or multiple-item playback. The multiple-item case supports advanced behaviors. AVPlayer works equally well with local and remote media files, providing you with
- Quicksort is a divide and conquer algorithm. Quicksort first divides a large list into two smaller sub-lists: the low elements and the high elements. Quicksort can then recursively sort the sub-lists. The steps are: Pick an element, called a pivo
- 二维码扫描、页面类似QQ切换列表滑动效果等。-Dimensional code scanner, similar to the QQ Switches list page sliding effect and so on.
- iOS的keychain服务提供了一种安全的保存私密信息(密码,序列号,证书等)的方式,每个ios程序都有一个独立的keychain存储。相对于NSUserDefaults、文件保存等一般方式,keychain保存更为安全,而且keychain里保存的信息不会因App被删除而丢失,所以在重装App后,keychain里的数据还能使用。“KeychainItemWrapper.h”和“KeychainItemWrapper.m”拷贝到我们项目-iOS s keychain service prov