- Flash与ARToolkit结合的增强现实开发工具。-FLARToolKit is free to use for non-commercial applications under the GPL license. This means the complete source code for your application must be made available to anyone that asks for it. FLARToolKit is based on the ARTo
- java 版的 ARToolkit,增强现实应用软件-the Java version of the ARToolKit ,Augmentation Toolkit
- Augment reality in Android
- ARToolKit is a software library that can be used to calculate camera position and orientation relative to physical markers in real time. This enables the easy development of a wide range of Augmented Reality applications. ARToolKitPlus is
- AS3移植版本的ARToolKit,FLARToolKit从输入图像中识别标记。并计算其在3D世界中的方向和位置。-AS3 ported version of ARToolKit. Actually, FLARToolKit is based on NyARToolkit, Java ported version of ARToolKit. FLARToolKit recognize the marker from input image. and calculate its orien