- 和树类似,图的遍历是图的一种主要操作,可以通过遍历判别图中任意两个顶点之间是否存在路径、判别给定的图是否是连通图并可求得非连通图的各个连通分量,但对于带权图(网),其最小生成树或最短路径都取决于弧或边上的权值,则需要有特定的算法求解。-and similar trees, graph traversal map is a major operation, Discrimination can traverse map between any two vertices existence trai
- Matlab source codes for the kernel direct discriminant analysis (KDDA),Author: Lu Juwei , Bell Canada Multimedia Lab, Dept. of ECE, U. of Toronto ,Released in 03 September 2003
- java 课程设计报告 1.拼图PUZZLE游戏程序设计要求 分析游戏主要功能,参考已有游戏,设计实现如下功能的小游戏: (1)实现程序GUI图形界面; (2)实现游戏开始、重来、退出功能; (3)设计实现游戏主要算法; (4)实现鼠标或键盘事件响应模块; (5)实现用户可选难度等级功能; (6)实现输赢自动判别功能。 -java course design report 1. puzzle games PUZZLE game main function of t
- While "a" is not equal to zero, check the discriminant of the quadratic equation. If discriminant is greater than zero, there are two solutions. If discriminant is equal to zero, there is a repeated solution. If discriminant is smaller
- 输入年和月的信息,输出该月对应的天数。注意合理性与闰年的判别。-Input and information output of the corresponding number of days in the month. Note that the discriminant of rationality and leap year.
- 为二次方程式ax2+bx+c=0设计一个名为QuadraticEquation的类。这个类包括: 代表三个系数的私有数据域a、b、c。 一个参数为a、b、c的构造方法。 a、b、c的三个get方法。 一个名为getDiscriminant()的方法返回判别式,b2-4ac。 一个名为getRoot1()和getRoot2()的方法返回等式的两个根。 这些方法只有在判别式为非负数时才有用。如果判别式为负,方法返回0。 画出该类的UML图。实现这个类。编写
- Fisher判别率,也就是数据复杂度衡量指标之F1。计算数据复杂度,数据输入和输出代码以附带。-Fisher discriminant ratio, which is a measure of the complexity of the data F1 indicators. Computing data complexity, data input and output code with.
- 学习Fisher 线性判别,讨论两类分类问题。-Learning Fisher linear discriminant, discuss two types of classification problems.
- 一个SVM训练工具,能够快速对训练集训练,给出分类判别函数,,(A SVM training tool, can quickly to training set training and classification discriminant function are given,)
- Pattern Recognition bayes discriminant analysis algorithm, Clustering analysis based on Euclidean distance, matlab wavelet analysis program.
- Pattern Recognition bayes discriminant analysis algorithm, Spectral methods of computational fluid dynamics flow of some of the overall stability of the phenomenon, Stepwise linear regression.
- The received signal is given eye and BER simulation systems, Convolution operation is intended to signal and image rendering, Pattern Recognition bayes discriminant analysis algorithm.
- Combined with PCA scale invariant feature transform (SIFT) algorithm, Pattern Recognition bayes discriminant analysis algorithm, Based on the time delay estimation of power spectrum.
- Simulation of doubly fed induction generator system, Pattern Recognition bayes discriminant analysis algorithm, Is the basis of the signal processing.