- JRed is a 100% Java implementation of the IrDA infrared communications protocols. JRed lets you beam objects from a PalmOS or Windows CE device to your Windows 95/98/NT or Linux PC.
- H型钢的源码 开发环境是Java3D 想了解源码的意思必须熟悉Java3D-H-beam source development environment is a Java3D would like to know the meaning of source code must be familiar with Java3D
- Simple java applet of arcanoid. You have to control the ball with the beam in order to destroy bricks. There are gfx and sounds included.
- 本系统是简单的用户管理系统 基本上是纯servlet开发的,由于对MVC模式的认识不够深刻,所以采用了 最原始的模式 而且我也是初学者,所以把这系统拿出来和初学者交流,当然也欢迎高手的指点, 特别是对于session和mvc模式的认识比较深入的高手的指点充满期待 本系统采用eclipse 3.6 ,tomcat 6.0,mysql5.0开发 其中系统的beam 文件中只有conndb.java被用到, userbean.jav
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- 实现画图画直线的算法,还有梁barsky等裁剪算法。-Realize drawing straight line algorithm, and beam barsky, cutting algorithm
- 黄道吉日查询系统采用asp+access进行开发,软件包含了2015年至2016年黄道吉日数据。 查询结果范例: 公元2015-10-1 宜:嫁娶、订盟、纳采、祭祀、祈福、出行、修造、动土、移徙、入宅 忌:针灸、伐木、作梁、造庙、行丧、安葬-A lucky day inquiry system developed by asp+access software, including 2015 to 2016 data a lucky day. Query result samp
- By applying the beam forming technology of BER This function is used to calculate the arbitrary function of the first order partial derivative (numerical methods), Complete HMM-based speech recognition system.
- Signal dimension estimates, Monte Carlo simulation method of calculating the American option price and basic descr iption, By applying the beam forming technology of BE.