- 基于小波变换模极大值的电能质量扰动检测与定位.rar-based on wavelet transform modulus maxima of the power quality disturbance detection and location. Rar
- Sequential control is one of the most successful multi-loop methods for enhancing the performance of linear controllers. This method can improve the effectiveness of control strategy and minimizes the disturbance impact. To achieve good control perfo
- 主要功能 记录行走的步数,行走的时间 根据录入的体重,步长可以计算出每天行走的历程,消耗的热量 对每天行走的历程进行记录,并给出星级评价 软件原理 判断人是否处于行走中,主要从以下几个方面判断: 人如果走起来了,一般会连续多走几步。因此,如果没有连续4-5个波动,那么就极大可能是干扰。 人走动的波动,比坐车产生的波动要大,因此可以看波峰波谷的高度,只检测高于某个高度的波峰波谷。-major function Record the number of walking
Development and Analysis of Three layered Conductor for improved se final code
- Concepts Of EMI and EMC Noise is any electrical signal present in a circuit other than the desired signal. This definition excludes the distortion products produced in a circuit due to nonlinearities. Although these distortion products may be undes