- 原创的线性方程组求解程序,包括Jacobi迭代,高斯消去法,Gauss-Seidel迭代三种求解算法。-Original procedure for solving linear equations, including the Jacobi iteration, Gauss elimination method, Gauss-Seidel iterative algorithm three.
- A Game of Stones is a browser-based Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game (MMORPG) set in the universe of Robert Jordan s Wheel of Time series. You control your character as he/she duels other players, battles NPCs, and completes quests. You
- Implementasi metode gauss jordan untuk menghitung regresi ganda pada data mining
- 结合java图形界面编程实现了计算方法中的相关的算法,包含:雅可比迭代 高斯-塞德尔迭代 拉格朗日插值 主元素高斯消去 高斯-约当消去 牛顿插值 不含列主元高斯约当法 二次多项式拟合 一次多项式拟合 二分法 牛顿迭代 三次样条插值 三对角的追赶法-Combined with java GUI programming calculation method of the related algorithms, comprising: Jacobi iteration Gauss- Seidel it