- Jive(J道版) Jive(J道版)是在Jive 2.1版本基础上改编而成,增加一些功能,更加实用,本下载包中包括源程序,你可以修改为你自己的网站定制。 学习Jive源程序,可以更好的理解和应用设计模式,学习Java必须读懂两套源代码,第一个就是Jive 第二个是Sun的宠物店Pet Store. 关于Jive,*yesky12一段话非常精辟: 设计模式和面向对象的思想是java学习的内功,而jive无疑是九阴真经。 Jive论坛的优点是由于采用缓冲机制,可以承受巨大访问量,同时能保持快速反
- JCommon is a Java class library that is used by JFreeChart, Pentaho Reporting and a few other projects. The library contains miscellaneous classes that support: * configuration and dependency management code * a general logging framework
- Overview JFreeChart is a free chart library for demo source code-Overview JFreeChart is a free chart library for the Java(tm) platform. It is designed for use in applications, applets, servlets and JSP. JFreeChart is distributed with complete s
- this licence plate recognition
- 程序员如何成长,Java程序员需要了解的几个开源协议... -how a programmer grow up?,Mozilla Public License Apache Licence 2.0
- Gets images with date-dependent filenames from URL and uses ImageMagick to bundle them in an animated gif. Details and licence on http://ftc.3pas.org/phpprojects/radar-de-precipitacion. Comments, questions and suggestions to filiptcA_Tgmail
- 基于Java的MyeclipeGen编辑工具(8.5版本后)的licence源码生成工具-Java-based editing tools MyeclipeGen (8.5 version) of the licence source code generation tool
- e-catalog using asp.net Requirements: You need ASP enabled web server to run this application like IIS and Apache. Installation: If you want to run this locally you can copy this application to c:\inetpub\wwwroot folder and s
- 一套开源的ERP软件,以PHP代码写成。需要LAMP环境支持。安装需要对PHP代码有所了解。-BlueERP is a double entry accounting application for small and medium business. Written in PHP, it is delivered through a LAMP environment to provide web access to your accounts. Its goal is to pr
- Simple tile engine, using HTML5 and Canvas technology (no Flash). Should be compatible in iPad/iPhone. Scroll and dynamic tile change supported. Can be used for topview RPGs, platforming games, tower defense, etc. Licence: Public domain (ex
- 基于PHP & SAE的php开发框架 MiniCore采用 Apache Licence 2.0 开源协议 MiniCore当前有的功能: 简单的URL分析 根据URL自动加载的控制器 模型,继承SAE的SaeMysql 简单的模板功能,实现在控制器基类中 加载对象/方法到框架中的机制-Php development framework based on PHP & SAE MiniCore Apache Licence 2.
- Themes JA Mesolite for Joomla 1.5 - Version 1.2 - Licence
- package org.cloudbus.cloudsim.examples * Title: CloudSim Toolkit * Descr iption: CloudSim (Cloud Simulation) Toolkit for Modeling and Simulation * of Clouds * Licence: GPL - http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html * * Copyright
- * Title: CloudSim Toolkit * Descr iption: CloudSim (Cloud Simulation) Toolkit for Modeling and Simulation * of Clouds * Licence: GPL - http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html * * Copyright (c) 2009, The University of Melbourne, Australia
- * Title: CloudSim Toolkit * Descr iption: CloudSim (Cloud Simulation) Toolkit for Modeling and Simulation * of Clouds * Licence: GPL - http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html * * Copyright (c) 2009, The University of Melbourne, Austr
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- 图片自动识别(一个跟URL识别系统差不多的已经完善了的图片系统,发贴的时候底步会有选择如果不想使用,这个系统的功能是自动识别.gif .jpg .png图片,以后只要是.gif .jpg .png的图片就不用自己费劲加入[img][/img]了,这个系统回自动识别?br /> 在线列表排列 时间显示 返回顶布 版块规则 公告自动隐藏(在没有公告的时候,栏目自动隐藏,已减低首页LOAD时间) LICENCE 信息 清除COOKIES 附件下载名单-Automati