- 混合像元分解,是定量遥感中非常重要的组成部分之一,在反演地表参数时是必须要考虑的因素之一,文中罗列了分解的一些方法。-mixed pixel decomposition, is the quantification of remote sensing very important component of one of the the inversion of surface parameters is to be considered one of the factors, the paper
- 形态学在遥感图像分类中的应用,对形态学感兴趣的朋友可以-morphological classification of remote sensing images in the application of the morphology of interest friends can see! !
- Android手机平台重力感应Demo,可将重力值通过Wifi发送。配合PC端软件,可实现类似“鼠标”的功能 -Android mobile phone platform gravity sensing Demo, gravity values can be sent via Wifi. With the PC-side software, which can achieve a similar " mouse" function
- 地理学中所采用的表现模型多种多样,例如各种地图、航空和航天遥感图像、统计图表、剖面图等,但是地图是地学中使用最普遍、也是最重要的模型。从模型的特性和实质来看,-Geography in the model used in a variety of performance, such as the various maps, aerial and space remote sensing images, charts, profiles, etc., but the map is used to
- 地理学中所采用的表现模型多种多样,例如各种地图、航空和航天遥感图像、统计图表、剖面图等,但是地图是地学中使用最普遍、也是最重要的模型。从模型的特性和实质来看,-Geography in the model used in a variety of performance, such as the various maps, aerial and space remote sensing images, charts, profiles, etc., but the map is used to
- 在简单的认知系统中,感知系统从外界环境输入刺激、进行变换整合,提取刺激特征加以组合,输出经编码的物理刺激-In the simple cognitive systems, sensing system input stimuli from the external environment, to transform the integration feature extraction be combined to stimulate output by the encoding of physi
- 地理学中所采用的表现模型多种多样,例如各种地图、航空和航天遥感图像、统计图表、剖面图等,但是地图是地学中使用最普遍、也是最重要的模型。从模型的特性和实质来看,-Geography in the model used in a variety of performance, such as the various maps, aerial and space remote sensing images, charts, profiles, etc., but the map is used to
- 地理学中所采用的表现模型多种多样,例如各种地图、航空和航天遥感图像、统计图表、剖面图等,但是地图是地学中使用最普遍、也是最重要的模型。从模型的特性和实质来看,-Geography in the model used in a variety of performance, such as the various maps, aerial and space remote sensing images, charts, profiles, etc., but the map is used to
- 地理学中所采用的表现模型多种多样,例如各种地图、航空和航天遥感图像、统计图表、剖面图等,但是地图是地学中使用最普遍、也是最重要的模型。从模型的特性和实质来看,-Geography in the model used in a variety of performance, such as the various maps, aerial and space remote sensing images, charts, profiles, etc., but the map is used to
- 移动用户感知系统,java+jsp+mysql-Mobile users sensing system
- android 重力感应四个方向旋转的源码-android four directions gravity sensing rotation of the source
- 本文综述了压缩感知理论在雷达目标探测与识别中的研究进展, 分析了压缩感知理论在PD 雷达、穿墙雷达、MIM O 雷达、雷达目标参数估计、雷达成像以及目标识别等领域的潜在应用-This paper reviews the research progress compression theory in radar target detection and recognition of perception, analysis of the compressed sensing theory in
- html5图片重力感应特效,图片重力感应效果实例-html5 gravity sensing image effects, image effects instance gravity sensing
- android重力感应、通过手机侧面感知重力倾斜角度-android gravity sensor, by sensing the gravity tilt angle side of the phone
- 名称:Help You Choose 功能: 1. 今天谁买单 这是一个调用了摄像头并使用了重力感应的应用。它主要实现的功能是拍照后将图 片剪裁后显示在界面,当按“start”或者摇动手机的时候,就会触发它开始进行随 机选择工作,在界面上的照片会逐渐消失,直到只剩一个,而显示的这个就是最后 被选中的人。当然这个“买单”只是其中一种应用,我们很多选择都可以使用,甚 至可以帮你选择最后要买哪样东西等等。 2. 掷骰子,比大小 该应用比较简单易懂,就是通过手指滑动骰
- The Shannon/Nyquist sampling theorem tells us that in order to not lose information when uniformly sampling a signal we must sample at least two times faster than its bandwidth. In many applications, including digital image and video cameras, the
- shadow removal process in remote sensing images.
- Using MATLAB compressed sensing, Including stochastic gradient algorithm, the relative gradient algorithm, Compared with the results of theoretical analysis.
- Using MATLAB compressed sensing, Continuous phase modulation signal (CPM) to produce, Wavelet packet analysis to extract vibration signal characteristic frequency.
- Using MATLAB compressed sensing, Really is a good program, Matching Pursuit and orthogonal matching pursuit.