- MPEG4 VM文档,里面包括对MPEG4 FGS的介绍.-MPEG4 VM documents, which include the right MPEG4 FGS briefing.
- 1、仿Google导航,界面数据与近期daohang.google.cn一致; 2、使用visual studio 2008 开发,运行环境需要asp.net 2.0; 3、程序基于Nvelocity模板引擎,生成静态html文件和aspx文件同时支持; 4、可放置自己的广告,默认3个公共广告位,主页另有两个共5个,子页另有两个共5个。如需增加可自行修改模板。 更新日志: [2008-6-15] *模板更新为 v1.11 *增加顶部搜索栏下侧关键字链接,set.
- JPCT的编程案例。JPCT是Java的3D开发引擎,可用于网络游戏和应用程序编程。-PCT is a solution for browser based games and applications as well as for OpenGL accelerated ones. It offers a software (Java 1.1 compatible, will work even on the MS-VM) and a hardware renderer (Java 1.4 or
- JPCT写的读取3Ds Max文件的一个案例。JPCT是Java的一个3D开发引擎,提供网络游戏和应用程序的3D编程。-PCT is a solution for browser based games and applications as well as for OpenGL accelerated ones. It offers a software (Java 1.1 compatible, will work even on the MS-VM) and a hardware rend
- Veloctiy框架 有VM模板例子 就是把JSP页面的内容给编译成HTML的模板 希望能给大家点帮助-Veloctiy framework example is the template VM has put the content of JSP pages to compile into a HTML template to help the U.S. hope that they will be
- kaffe java vm -kaffe java vm kaffe java vm
- Javacard 2.22 VM specification
- JPCT的编程案例。JPCT是Java的3D开发引擎,可用于网络游戏和应用程序编程。-PCT is a solution for browser based games and applications as well as for OpenGL accelerated ones. It offers a software (Java 1.1 compatible, will work even on the MS-VM) and a hardware renderer (Java 1.4 or
- 使用vmware web service sdk在vCenter的host主机上添加vm虚拟机。-Use vmware web service sdk to add the virtual machine in the host of the vCenter.
- 使用vmware web service sdk获取vCenter上面host主机和其vm虚拟机以及虚拟机上的操作系统的关系。-Using vmware web service sdk to obtain the relation ship of the host and its virtual machine and virtual machine operating system on the vCenter.
- Javascr ipt写的一个列出Hyper-V中所有VM的MAC地址的脚本程序,需要在Hyper-V本机运行-Javascr ipt to write a list of all Hyper-V VM' s MAC address of the scr ipt, you need the machine to run Hyper-V
- Javascr ipt写的一个列出Hyper-V中所有VM的详细信息的程序,要求在Hyper-V机器Host上运行-Javascr ipt to write a list of all the VM in Hyper-V details the procedure that requires the machine in Hyper-V running on the Host
- 项目的目的是练习高级Swing的组件的使用: 同时掌握java编译器与VM的工作机理 为了区别于MS的资源管理器,我们设计成初级Java练习者的java,class,mf文件等资源文件管理器 功能如下: 设置类路径。 设置扩展路径。 过滤显示*.java,*.class,*.mf,*.jar,*.war,*.ear,*.properties等文件。 能察看编辑保存*.java,*.mf,*.properties等文件。 能编译运行*.class,*
- Jikes研究虚拟机(Jikes Research Virtual Machine,简称Jikes RVM)是一种成熟的用于执行Java程序的虚拟机,其早期版本与当前版本分别在通用公共许可证(CPL)与Eclipse公共许可证(EPL)下开放代码。与其他以Java编写的虚拟机不同的是,Jikes RVM采用了元循环技术。 Jikes RVM采用了元循环技术,因而其需要运行在一个引导Java虚拟机(JVM)上来创建启动镜像。启动镜像在运行时由一个小型的C装入程序载入,其本质是Jikes
- Provides access to the Dalvik "zygote" feature, which allows a VM instance to be partially initialized and then fork() d from the partially initialized state.
- Class to represent compiled SQLite VM.
- Provides a limited interface to the Dalvik VM stack. This class is mostly used for implementing security checks.
- @title Types of arguments - long, double. Dalvik doens t distinguish 64-bits types internally, so this comparison of long and double makes no sense but shall not crash the VM. /.
- @title Types of arguments - float, int. Dalvik doens t distinguish 32-bits types internally, so this operation of float and int makes no sense but shall not crash the VM.
- @title Types of arguments - int, float. Dalvik doens t distinguish 32-bits types internally, so this division of float and int makes no sense but shall not crash the VM.