- 网络编程语言 Dday个人日志系统,使用php做的. -network programming language Dday personal log system, using php do.
- 一个用PHP编写的,可以通过互联网控制和操作MySQL,通过phpMyAdmin可以完全对数据库进行操作,例如建立、复制、删除、导出、导入数据等-a PHP programming, via the Internet control and operation MySQL, phpMyAdmin completely through the database operations, such as copy, delete, exporting and importing data, etc.
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PHP: The Good Parts
- Get past all the hype about PHP and dig into the real power of the language. This book explores the most useful features of PHP and how they can speed up the web development process, and explains why the most commonly used PHP elements are often misu
Xpress Engine_1.5.3
- XpressEngine 是韩国开发人员高英洙(音译)与开发自愿者共同开发的LGPL协议的开源项目,相比zeroboard4或zb5已经属于全新开发的程序框架。 与Zeroboard4不同的是,XpressEngine将BBS、Blog、购物、维基等建站所需的功能以模块化方式构建,可以作为建站CMS软件为目标进行的程序框架开发。 简单来说,XpressEngine是一个网站内容管理系统(Content Management System, CMS)。 Xpress Engine is