- 設定程式投影圖檔,設定程式投射光線的紅綠藍色RGB值,設定範圍在0至255,設定投射光線的大小,值愈小光線愈大-set formula projection drawings and set formula projection of the 169 blue light RGB value and set the scope of 0 to 255, set light to the project size, the smaller the value of the greater ligh
- 一个很有意思的互动式的走迷宫程序。你可以用鼠标画出一个迷宫,然后电脑会找出迷宫走法。 当你点击\"Go\"按钮后,蓝色点会在你绘制的迷宫中试图找出通往绿色点的路径。-a very interesting interactions between the Maze procedure. You can use the mouse painted a labyrinth, and then the computer would find the maze in law. When you cli
- 使用绘制圆弧的方法,输出一个统计图表“圆饼图”和一个“折扇”。 原始数据在数组Data中,这5个数据在圆饼图中为角度不同的扇形,各自角度的计算值分别为38、91、54、125、53,放在数组drgree中。第一个数据的扇形起始角start=0,用绿色画。第二个的起始角start=38,用蓝色画。最后一个的起始角start=308,用橙色画。 折扇的画法是:在左上角坐标(130,40),长150,宽80的椭圆区域内,从22度开始逆时针地画一个15度的扇性,再画一段15度的椭圆弧;然后交替地画扇形和
- Blue Java写的Java超市管理系统(Kent大学的Java学习)
- onBlur:当失去输入焦点后产生该事件 onFocus:当输入获得焦点后,产生该文件 Onchange:当文字值改变时,产生该事件 Onselect:当文字加亮后,产生该文件 <input type="text" value="郭强" 郭强 ) {value= }" (value== ) {value= 郭强 }">点击时文字消失,失去焦点时文字再出现 2.网页按钮的特殊颜色 <input type=button value="
TestJdbc 测试JDBC访问数据库的测试程序
- 用于测试JDBC访问数据库的测试程序。希望对大家有所帮助。-It s the answer spoken by young and old, rich and poor, Democrat and Republican, black, white, Latino, Asian, Native American, gay, straight, disabled and not disabled — Americans who sent a message to the world that we
- 英国帝国理工学院电脑系多线程课程教学材料之四 ---- 用Semaphores互斥访问-The program uses a semaphore to ensure that it is not possible for threads to enter their critical sections at the same time. The critical section is represented by a light blue (cyan) colour. To execute in
- 英国帝国理工学院电脑系多线程课程教学材料之八 ---- 哲学家晚餐范例-Five philosophers sit around a circular table. Each philosopher spends his life alternatively thinking and eating. In the centre of the table is a large plate of spaghetti. A philosopher needs two forks to eat a he
- 英国帝国理工学院电脑系多线程课程教学材料之十 ---- 单行道范例-Cars cannot pass each other on the bridge. The buttons set the number of cars moving in each direction. The default is one blue car and one red car. Try two and three. The safe checkbox, if cleared, changes the bridg
- 英国帝国理工学院电脑系多线程课程教学材料之十一 ---- 读取者与写入者范例-The program allows Readers concurrent access to a resource while restricting Writers to exclusive access. Thread access to the shared resource is depicted by a light blue (cyan) arc segment. It is possible by st
- Blue框架1.0版 简介: Blue框架是一款开源的Flash RIA应用技术,该框架完全由本人所开发。此框架的开发主要是受到 Flash Media Server的启示,同时也模仿了其中的部分功能。其拥有优秀的异常处理,性能稳定。使用Blue ,可以使flash程序和 java程序员完全独立开来,各自开发程序。该框架最新版本是1.0。 Blue框架拥有完整全面的服务端类的API,详细的使用教程,同时还附带了一些简单实用的例子,一个完整的Flash聊天室。-Blue is an
- 一个基于spring,stucts2,hiberater架构的开发者网站,在eclipse7 blue版测试通过,服务器tomcat6,数据库mysql5.-Based on the spring, stucts2, hiberater framework for the development site, in eclipse7 blue version of the test, the server tomcat6, database mysql5.
- 贪吃蛇,红色代表食物,蓝色代表蛇,用键盘移动蛇来吃食物,没吃一个加五分。-Snake, red for food, blue snakes, snakes eat with keyboard mobile food, did not have a plus five.
- java blue 7.5的汉化包,希望能对大家有帮助~-java blue 7.5 package of Chinese, I hope you can help ~
- javascr ipt 各类菜单。包括 发散式菜单,仿蓝色理想菜单,可拖动菜单,类xp右键菜单等。-various types of menu javascr ipt. Including the divergence-up menu, like the ideal blue menu can drag the menu, such as type of xp menu.
- 本例制作一个会滚动的圆盘的小动画,执行例实例后,将创建一个由蓝白两种颜色组成的面板,其上有一个静止的黑色圆盘。当点击start按钮时,圆盘开始滚动,接触到边界时反弹,当点击stop按钮时,圆盘停止运动。本实例的知识点有:使用Java2D技术来绘制图形。如何通过线程控制动画。-This example will produce a small rolling disc animation, examples of the implementation of cases, it will creat
- 除实现windows扫雷的基本功能之外加入以下两个特殊功能: (1)see through: 查看雷的位置。 (2)inference: 开启自动推理提示 (由穷举法产生的最佳推理): 红色:必定有雷 绿色:必定无雷 蓝色:无法推断 -In addition to achieving the basic functions of windows outside the mine by adding the following two special
- 边界标志法,把最后的red改为blue会出现问题,为什么? QQ:119485404-Thanks
- 生成注册码Myeclipse 7.5 blue-Build License Myeclipse 7.5 blue
- 蓝色动网风格后台模板 喜欢的下载 仅是个模板-Mobility style template like the blue background is a template for download only