- EasyDBO是由简易java框架网(www.easyjf.com)开发的一个适合中小型软件数据库开发的java数据持久层框架,系统参考hibernate、JDO等,结合中小项目软件的开发实际,实现简单的Java对象到关系数据的映射。EasyDBO由于比较简单,比较适合于中小企业及个人开发使用,EasyDBO当前还处于测试阶段、是一个简易但不太成熟的对象-关系映射开源中间件。 EasyDBO的源代码非常简单,有一点Java知识的人基本上都能读懂,因此,选择EasyDBO作本文的示
- jspbook系统,简洁的界面适合,既能用于学习,也能直接使用-jspbook system simpler interface suitable for both learning, and also can directly use
- 一个数据访问层Torque3.1的生成器的源代码,在我的DWF框架就提供了对他的支持。torque本身与hibernate类似,但使用起来更简单,特别他的生成器可以直接通过扫描数据库来生成相应的数据库访问层。-a data access layer Torque3.1 the generation of source code, In my DWF provides a framework for supporting him. Torque itself and hibernate simil
- 个人编写的即时网络通信软件,可实现类时腾讯QQ的功能,只是稍微简单一点-prepared by the immediate personal communications network software, can be realized when QQ category of functional, but slightly simpler
- This project developed in java leads us to realize a flight reservation system in order to emulate databases containing the structures for the flight and for the booking. These bases extend the List interface and implements additional search鈥檚 method
- 用的是通过filter过滤来管理权限的方法,但这么一个类就已经可以满足其权限管理的需要了,越简单越好啊!-Used to filter through the filter to manage permissions, but such a category has been able to meet the needs of its rights management, and the simpler the better ah!
- Simpler Weblets a similar to Java Servlet for to list all web server session
- 一个较简单的即时通讯的源代码,客户端和服务器端能够对话-A simpler source instant messaging client and server-side to the dialogue
- apache common email组件实现的简单邮件发送实例,配合 CmailServer 邮件服务器,可以实现对外网发送邮件!!!比javamail更简单,更清晰!!!咱不提供收邮件功能!-apache common email component implements a simple mail instance, with CmailServer mail server' s external network can send mail! ! ! Javamail than a
- 网上搜集的java课件,对于java入门者很有作用,建议大家下载学习,本人就是靠这个课件入门,很简单浅显-Java collected online courseware, the role for the very beginners java, suggest that you download the study, I was started by the courseware, it is simpler and plainer
- EJB3.0学习资料 Sang Shin, www.javapassion.com/j2ee 上的实验教程,能够帮助EJB 3.0新手快速 掌握操作方法与技巧。-Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 5 (Java EE 5) focuses on making development easier, yet retains the richness of the J2EE 1.4 platform. Offering new and updated f
- A simpler way to learn java and it was published by MIT
- java版得屏幕截图软件 源代码 仿QQ编写 功能略为简单 -java version of the software source code was fake screenshots feature a slightly simpler writing QQ
- 基于jsp的网上选课系统 论文+程序 界面稍显简单 不过还是值得一看。-Jsp online course selection system based on paper+ program interface is slightly simpler but still worth a visit.
- 分页显示一直是web开发中一大烦琐的难题,传统的网页设计只在一个JSP或者ASP页面中书写所有关于数据库操作的代码,那样做分页可能简单一点,但当把网站分层开发后,分页就比较困难了,下面是我做Spring+Hibernate+Struts2项目时设计的分页代码,与大家分享交流。-Pagination has been a major web development cumbersome problem, the traditional web design all database operati
- This book explains and demonstrates the fundamentals of the EJB 3.1 and Java Per- sistence programming models. Although EJB makes application development much simpler, it is still a complex technology that requires a great deal of time and study
- 通过使用命名实体识别提高无监督的关系提取 我们 也比较性能 KnowItAll最先进的系统性能,并以命名实体识别表现其模式学习 组件,它使用一个简单的和 强大的模式语言-also compare the performance of URES to the performance of the state-of-the-art KnowItAll system, and to the performance of its pattern learning component, w
- Jodd是一个普通开源Java包。你可以把Jodd想象成Java的"瑞士军刀",不仅小,锋利而且包含许多便利的功能。 Jodd 提供的功能有: 1. 提供操作Java bean, 2. 可以从各种数据源加载Bean, 3. 简化JDBC的接连与代码, 4. 剖析SQL查询, 5. 处理时间与日期, 6. 操作与格式化String, 7. 搜索本地硬盘上的文件, 8. 帮助处理Servlet请求等。 除此之外还包含一个很小,但实用的基于JS
- 基于ssh的bbs留言板系统,内容比较简单,可以供学习参考。-BBS message board system based on SSH, content is simpler, can provide the reference for the study.
- PayPal is the faster, safer way to pay and get paid online, via a mobile device and in store. The service gives people simpler ways to send money without sharing financial information, and with the flexibility to pay using their account balances, ban