- 这是一个动画源码,做的十分生动. 动画形象,音效完美.-This is a source animation, so very vivid. Animation image and sound perfect.
- 设置代理,如果找到一个IP地址,可以通过此程序将IE和FLASHGET设置成HTTP代理,这样可以正常的上网-set up the proxy, and if we find an IP address, This procedure can be IE and FLASHGET configured HTTP proxy, so normal Internet
- 在我院的第三届大学生艺术节闭幕式做的Flash源码-hospital in the Third Students Art Festival closing ceremony of the so-source Flash!
- 边角边全等三角形演示课件,帮实习学校老师做的,懂action的交流,懂隐形按钮的下,都不懂的别下了,免得说是垃圾!-Corner Pin congruent triangles demonstration courseware, training schools to help teachers do, and understand the action exchanges, understand the stealth button, nothing under the other, so t
- 使用LED和小键盘做一个记时的程序,能够在LED中显示键盘操作结果,兑430爱好者很有帮助-use LEDs and a small keyboard so remember the procedure, the LED to show keyboard, against 430 lovers helpful
- 坐标与角度的制作,可以通过鼠标的移动来改变小球的坐标,从而在动态文本框中显示数据-coordinates with the point of production, through the movement of the mouse to change the coordinates of small balls, so dynamic text box display data
- flash 做的黑客帝国的数据流效果,非常的炫目,顶!-flash so hackers Empire data flow effect, very compelling, top!
- In the end, I don t understand the PC, so I will fine the date to you. I only know flash.
- flash做的简单的躲避游戏源码-flash so simple escape game FOSS
- 这个是给另一家公司做的网站上个一个导航条,美工还可以,过得去,。需要的朋友可以下下来看看怎么做导航条-This is another company to do on-site navigation, artists can still reasonably acceptable. The friend could see how down under so Navigation
- 很酷的Flash菜单,为您的望站添加一份色彩,让您的网站多一些动感.希望对您有所帮助-cool Flash menu, look for your station to add a color, so your site more dynamic. Hope of help to you
- Chapter 2: Getting Started Hello World Hello World Enhanced A simple "Hello World" application that shows the basics of how to use an Actionscr ipt 3.0 class in an application. The Enhanced version adds a name-checking feature. These exam
OsWorkFlow.flex 做工作流的一个例子
- flex 做工作流的一个例子 flex 做工作流的一个例子,flex so an example workflow
- 行数据线SDA和串行时钟线SCL。挂在I2C总线上的器件,都有唯一的地址。在一个进程中,通讯的双方分别是数据发送端(Transmitter)和数据接收端(Receiver),即主I2C(I2C-Master)和从I2C(I2C-Slave)。目前为止,Philips公司开发了包括超过150种CMOS和双极性兼容I2C总线的IC,所有符合I2C总线接口标准的的器件通过简单的双向双线总线,实现有效的IC之间控制和通讯。 I2C总线有严格的规范,如接口的电气特性、-Data line SDA an
- Hi-ReS! Stats Performance Monitor This class provides a simple info box that will help you monitor your code performance. So far available for Actionscr ipt and HaXe. * FPS Frames per second, how many frames were rendered in 1 second. Th
- flex builder平台开发的国土局地理信息平台,功能包括查询、统计、专题图、标识、透视等!-flex builder platform of the Land Bureau geographic information platform, features include query, statistics, thematic maps, logo, perspective and so on!
- TweenLite在flash动画中有里程碑性的作用,以前总感觉用Flash代码控制动画是多么痛苦的事情,在使用TweenLite后,一切都是那么的简单,就像Js中的jQuery一样-TweenLite landmark in the flash animation, it used to feel how painful it is to control the animation with Flash code using TweenLite, everything is so simple
- Flash与ARToolkit结合的增强现实开发工具。-FLARToolKit is free to use for non-commercial applications under the GPL license. This means the complete source code for your application must be made available to anyone that asks for it. FLARToolKit is based on the ARTo
- 35套FLASH菜单原文件。包括FONTS。FLA文件等等。很多韩国风格的在其中。是你制作网页不可多得的好帮手!-35 set of FLASH menu original document. Including FONTS. FLA document and so on. Very many South Korean style in among. Is you manufactures the homepage rare good helper!
- 前段时间纯粹自己手工制作的网站欢迎页,做的比较一般,但是功能都有。-Earlier purely their own hand-made Web site welcome page, so the more general, but the function.