- Chapter 2: Getting Started Hello World Hello World Enhanced A simple "Hello World" application that shows the basics of how to use an Actionscr ipt 3.0 class in an application. The Enhanced version adds a name-checking feature. These exam
- Flamer class. AS3 class that allows a sprite or movieclip to be passed to it, the result is a flamiing mc. Perlin noise, colour transformations and bitmapdata make this all possible.
- 可以实现sprite 缩小时更换图片 鼠标拖拽左右滑动可以控制速度!-Can replace the image sprite reduce drag your mouse to control the speed of sliding around!
- 这个是一个flash东西Sprite 705.swf Sprite 713.swf -This is a flash stuff Sprite 705.swf Sprite 713.swf