- 莫非是静 FLASH整站 共分 两部分 第一部分为 主程序和主程序代码 第二部分 为连接代码和 FLASH留言本程 加Q群4299732 -static FLASH whole stands of the first two parts of the main procedures main program code and the second part is even FLASH access code and the way the voice plus Q-4299732
- 这是一本专门讲解Flash8动画设计与制作技术的普及类图书。本书按照基础篇、进阶篇、实例篇和实战篇4部分来展开,从Flash动画的入门基础知识到完整动画的设计与完成,使用了大量经典实例来引导读者,并使用通俗易懂、活泼生动的语言,全面、系统、由浅入深地讲解了Flash8的基本功能、使用方法、以及动画制作的高级技巧。-This is a Flash8 devoted to animation design and production technology to the public class b
- 自己写的一个网页上加载swf进行加解密的程序。分为加密程序、解密程序两个部分。-Write a page to load swf for encryption and decryption process. Divided into encryption, decryption process in two parts.
- Flex程序设计中文 非影印版!可以选择文字! RAR文档里包含完整的3个部分。-Flex programming of non-copy version of the Chinese! Can select the text! RAR document contains the complete three parts.
- This tutorial is going to build about the Flex DataGrid component. It s going to show how to do several things including how to use xml with a datagrid, how to use item renderers and label functions, and how to style and skin parts of the datagrid an
- FAR consist of two parts: * A command-line utility (OSX/Windows/Linux) for creating FAR archives. * A set of AS3 classes to read FAR archives from Flash. Flash 9 can decompress ZLIB compressed arrays of bytes. However, such arrays must
- flash 地图,动态配置,可根据指标预警各个地方的颜色变化,点击地图位置,可以自定义弹出url.-flash map, dynamic configuration, according to the various parts of the color change indicator warning, click on the map, you can customize the pop-up the url.
- Away3D是flash或flex上的一个功能强大且实时的3D引擎,具有快速、高效、API清楚等优点。但是三角型消失的问题让人头疼。away3d世界由:view 视口、scene 场景、camera 摄像机和3D物体四部分组成,也称Away3D的四大基本构件。-Away3D is a flash or flex on a powerful and real-time 3D engine, with a fast, efficient, API clear advantages. But the