- FLASH 预加载组件,简单实用,可用于实际项目中。-FLASH pre-loaded component, simple and practical, can be used in actual projects.
- Moving existing Flex projects from Flex Builder 3 to Flash Builder 4 (doc file)
- 这是一本关于Actionscr ipt3.0(AS2.0)与XML联合开发图像浏览器,菜单,数据库等项目的电子书籍;版本为英文版,对AS编程爱好者是一本很好的参考资料!-This is a book about Actionscr ipt3.0 (AS2.0) and XML joint development of image browser, menus, databases, electronic books and other projects version in English,
- The Graffiti AS3 Bitmap Drawing Library is designed for Actionscr ipt developers to easily integrate drawing functionality into a Flash, Flex or Air project. It is free to use and modify for noncommercial projects.
- WEB项目集成Flex3功能介绍了如何在我们的web相关项目中即成flax3的介绍,非常实用。-WEB Project Integration Flex3 function describes how web-related projects in our branding flax3 in the introduction, very practical.
- Actionscr ipt源码,是actionscr ipt中比较常用的类库源码,较为实用于各个项目中-Actionscr ipt source code, is more commonly used in library actionscr ipt source code, more practical projects in each
- flex的聊天程序,可以结合J2EE项目和其他web项目作为企业办公系统或管理系统的助手。-The flex chat program, can combine the J2EE project and other web projects as the enterprise office system or management system s assistant.
- Flex源码工程,附件中附带源码。工程可运行-Flex source projects, source code included in the annex
- 采用Flex3制作的博客框架,包含博客的常用项目:邮件、文章、订阅等。另外还可以自己定制特定的项目。项目间的切换效果也较炫。-Blog produced using Flex3 framework, including the common project blog: e-mail, articles, subscr iptions and so on. You can also customize their own specific projects. Switching between t
- NEW: Menu can drop down / up NEW: Smoother submenu scroll NEW: Design Improvement XML Driven Unlimited menu & menu Menu can use to load external movie, goto specific frame number/label, get URL! Menu is in one movie clip so you just
- 实现绘制带箭头的平滑曲线关键代码,可以根据自己的需求,添加到自己的项目中。-To realize the smooth curve drawing with arrow key code, can according to their own needs, add to their own projects.
- openscales 的地图操作例子 这是它的源码工程,如果自己运行不了的话,可以在线配合openscales提供的例子看-openscales map example of the operation of its source projects, examples provided with the openscales online to see if they can not run if
- 通俗点讲这是个专门为flash3d量身定做的 使三维物体产生扭曲和形变的类库 首先AS3Dmod其中有个团队成员叫MAKC,他参与了一些开源项目,最显著的是Sandy3D 其次AS3Dmod支持跨引擎平台,目前AS3Dmod 支持Papervision3d, Away3d, Sandy3d 和 Alternativa3d 多种3D 引擎。 有了它,能让你的3D表现力更富有了。给3D世界加入扭曲,波动,产生扭动动画。 一张纸,一个带,一个挥舞着国旗,水,布,树木,蝴蝶,一个鸟翼.
- Papervision3D是一个基于Actionscr ipt的开源项目,目的在于实现更加炫丽美观、功能强大的Flash 3D Web应用程序。尤其是去年Actionscr ipt 3发布了之后,Actionscr ipt的效率得到了大幅度提升,基于此的Papervision3D无论是在效率、功能上都有了很大的提高。随着现在Web 2.0、Web-Game及休闲类竞技网络游戏的发展,相信Papervision3D的应用将会越来越广泛。 同时在Flash 大量应用的今天,Flash在 3D领域
- 酷炫的Flex图表展示工具,适用于大型项目的图表展示-Flex chart showing cool tool for large-scale projects charts show
- 包中带有4个flex 项目工程,其中有图表库文件(flare),图表示例项目demos),是非常完整的flex 动画图表的算法实现与图形实现,是学习的非常好的源码-A package with 4 flex projects, including chart library file (flare), sample chart project demos), is a very complete flex animation graph algorithm realization and gra