- flash中实现翻书效果的源代码,功能完善,可以用鼠标拖拽或双击实现向前或向后翻页,可以设置该页是软页还是硬页,还可以实现页的跳转-flash book to achieve the effect of the source code, complete functions, can double-click or drag the mouse to achieve forward or backward flip, can set the page is soft or hard page p
- 一个简单的项目,我学习了很长时间了,才搞明白的.-A simple project, I learned a long time before they do understand.
- (软考)软件设计师FLASH课件,(软考)软件设计师FLASH课件-(Soft test) software, courseware designers FLASH
- flash制作的一个适用于网页的软键盘,JS和FLASH的交互,externalinterface的使用-flash create a web page for the soft keyboard, JS, and FLASH interaction, externalinterface use
- Print Micro Soft Flex grid
- This the tutorial to program NAND Flash Memory and give you some free tools to develop soft for NAND Flash Memory-This is the tutorial to program NAND Flash Memory and give you some free tools to develop soft for NAND Flash Memory
- 这个是易语言源码,首先声明不懂易语言的不要下,毒软误报的问题不再解释,源码内容:遮罩层效果-This is an easy language source code, first of all do not understand the language, not poisonous, soft false problem will not explain, source: mask layer effect
- 这个是易语言源码,首先声明不懂易语言的不要下,毒软误报的问题不再解释,源码内容:单帧动画-This is an easy language source code, first of all do not understand the language, not poisonous, soft false problem will not explain, source: single frame animation
- 这是一个flash源文件,效果很好,测试平台为flash 8.0(如果提示问题请选择合适的版本试试),代码的效果是:柔光边缘文字-This is a flash source file, the effect is very good, the test platform for Flash 8 ( if the question please choose the right version to try), code: soft edge text effect
- 本科软工实习做的一个火车票订票系统,包含源代码以及相关文档(需求分析报告,系统概要设计,系统可行性分析报告,系统详细设计文档,测试与运行报告以及演示PPT)-Undergraduate Soft workers do an internship ticket booking system, including source code and related documentation (requirements analysis, system outline design, system fe
- 家庭软翻页相册 用鼠标拖拽可以翻页 在源文件里替换照片可以变成自己的相册-Soft home page flip photo album can drag with the mouse to replace photos in the source file can become their own album
- 展示书的翻页效果,以给图片加上阴影,提升显示效果-Show the book flip effect to add shadows to images to enhance the display