- Easy Grid is a JS/PHP tool kit for data linear lists management. It can help you to create quickly interfaces of table list navigation and modification with AJAX features. High performance of the Grid is ensured by JSON data format. The Easy Gr
- 基于ssh+dwr的grid,已经实现crud、分页、排序-Based on ssh+ dwr the grid, has been achieved crud, paging, sorting
- 很全的排序算法,包含很多内部排序算法,有详解,包括选择,交换,-Sorting algorithm contains a lot of internal sorting algorithm, Xiangjie
- XajaxGrid is a cross-browser Javascr ipt grid control that represents data in a sortable DHTML table. This component allows you to design quicky user interface by organizing your data into configurable dynamic grid with different cell types, bufferin
- 简易Ajax开发实现登录,注册,模拟充值,排序等功能: 1、 编写登录页面(Login.jsp)、充值页面(Pay.jsp)、充值记录页面(PayRecorder.jsp),各页面必须充分考虑用户体验,具体要求包括: 1) 登录时,在本地检查各表单项是否为空、长度是否满足要求等(要求使用formValidator)。 2) 登录时,异步提交到服务器检查用户名/密码是否正确(检查逻辑位于struts的Action类中)。 3) 使用jQuery的API实现充值页面中各种充值方式和面
- JTable排序实例源码 一个用鼠标点击JTable表头可以排序指定列的Java源代码-Data sorting example source code a series with the mouse to click header can sort the columns specified Java source code