- pitch=CorrelogramPitch(correlogram, width [, sr, lowPitch, highPitch]) computes the pitch of a correlogram sequence by finding the time lag with the largest correlation energy. -pitch = CorrelogramPitch (correlogram. width [02:04 lowPitch. hig
- 《网格计算》 【作者】(美)Joshy Joseph, Craig Fellenstein 当您打开电灯,电力网将立即向您传递所需的能量。那么,计算机和网络是不是也可以这样工作呢?答案是肯定的,它们甚至还可以改变您的业务方式。网格计算推动了“按需电子商务”:在任何地方,任何时间,简单或低成本地传递您所需的确切技术资源。您可以利用现有的系统,立即实现所有的功能。不管您是执行人员、策略人员、设计人员、技术人员还是开发人员,本书都将是您的最佳选择。. 本书主要内容: 掌握网格计算
Texas Instruments BTLE v1.4.0
- Texas Instruments BTLE stack v1.4.0
ZigBee OPNET Simulation Model
- the simulation model implements the physical layer of the IEEE 802.15.4 standard running at 2.4 GHz Frequency band with 250 kbps data rate.The MAC layer supports the beacon-enabled mode and implements slotted CSMA/CA and GTS mechanism according to th
IG based wind energy conversion system
- An IG based wind energy conversion system is modeled and simulated.