- 将系统的原程序拷贝到本地计算机后,去掉文件夹的只读属性,按照《安装配置说明书》内容完成配置后,便可在本地计算机上运行网站了。 在企业进销存的登录界面,输入用户名:mr 密码:mrsoft 单击【登录】按钮,进入如图1。2所示的企业进销存管理系统的主界面。企业进销存管理系统主要包括:基础信息管理、库存管理、商品销售、查询统计、往来管理和系统设置六大管理模块。 -system will copy the original program of the local computer, remo
- Documents and Settings\\new\\桌面\\新建文件夹\\castingnum.rar-Documents and Settings \\ new \\ Desktop \\ New Folder \\ ca stingnum.rar
BDE Replacement Windows 7
- This is replacement for Borland Database Engine that support for Windows 7. - Place to C:\BDEFiles\BDE - Copy DLL Files into System Folder - Run The REG Files
Falcon Developer Suit
- To install or deinstall the FalconDeveloper.msi on a Windows system with Windows Vista or higher, e.g. Windows 7, copy the delivered msi and exe file to a folder on the target machine. Then start FalconDeveloperLauncherForVistaWin7.exe by double-clic