- ADO.NET in a Nutshell is the most complete and concise source of ADO.NET information available. Besides being a valuable reference, this book covers a variety of issues that programmers face when developing web applications or web services that rely
- 简单的讲解语言,非常实用,使你在短期内就能熟练掌握其变成技巧-simple language to explain, very practical, so that you will soon become familiar with and understand their skills
The C++ Programming Language (Third Edition)
- 最为经典的c++教程,大概好多人都有了中文版吧?这个是英文原版的,推荐-most classic c Directory, a lot of people probably have a Chinese version of it is the original English version and recommended
- C语言数值算法程序大全(第二版)-C language numerical algorithm procedures Solutions (2nd Edition)
- 这是一个有关于汇编语言程序设计的学心电子书,如果有喜欢学习MASM语言的人,这是一个好的学习资料。-It is a compilation of the program design language of learning e-books, If there is like learning bits of language, and this is a good learning materials.
- 基本数据库概念:SQL语言介绍,并发处理,触发器,存储过程,事务处理-basic concept of the database : SQL language, the concurrent processing, triggers, stored procedures, business
- 386、486、586(pentium)系统板技术手册,非常全面地介绍CPU 的编程语言,侧重于汇编-JOE (Pentium) system board technical manuals, very comprehensive presentation CPU programming language, focusing on the compilation
- UNIX下的精典C语言编程教程-the classical UNIX C Programming Language Guide
The C Programmin
- The C Programming Language-The C Programming Language
An Overview of the C++ Programming Language
- An Overview of the C++ Programming Language 来自南开大学,公网ftp-An Overview of the C Programming Language to Since Nankai University, the public network ftp
An Overview of the C++ Programming Language(en).ra
- An Overview of the C++ Programming Language
The C Programming Language
- 最经典的c语言教程-classic c Language Guide
- The Art of Assembly Language,汇编语言编程艺术,计算机经典著作,英文原版
BSD Sockets Programming from a Multi-Language Pers
- BSD Sockets Programming from a Multi-Language Perspective
The C Programming Language(2rddition)
- 推荐一本C语言的好书,英文原版的.-recommend a C-language books, the English original.
Language Oriented Programming
- Language Oriented Programming
A Pattern Language for Requirements Analysis
- A Pattern Language for Requirements Analysis
Kernighan and Ritchie - The C Programming Language
- Kernighan and Ritchie - The C Programming Language c程序设计语言(第二版)称作是C语言学习的圣经-Kernighan and Ritchie - The C Programming Language c Programming Language (2nd edition) is called the C language of the Bible
(The Art of Assembly Language).ZIP
- (The Art of Assembly Language)
debian language switch
- debian language switch