3gpp ts 23.228文档中文版
- 3gpp ts 23.228文档中文版(3GPP TS 23.228 V7.0.0 (2005-06)),3gpp ts 23.228 Chinese version of the document (3GPP TS 23.228 V7.0.0 (2005-06))
- gof的23种设计模式用c++编写的代码,对大家肯定有好处-gof of 23 kinds of design patterns using c++ prepared code, for all of us certainly be an advantage
- 经典:从追MM谈Java的23种设计模式 设计模式做为程序员的“内功心法”,越来越受到.net 社区的重视,这种变化是很可喜的,Java社区走在了我们的前面,但这种状况 也许有一天会发生改变。-Classic: MM from the recovery of 23 kinds of talk about Java design pattern design patterns for programmers "Internal Strength-force", more and more. N
- GoF+23种设计模式解析附C++实现源码(2nd+Edition).pdf-GoF+23 kinds of design patterns to achieve resolution attached to C++ source code (2nd+ Edition). Pdf
- C# Design Patterns Design patterns were introduced in Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, and John Vlissides’s seminal work Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object- Oriented Software (Addison-Wesley). The book specifies and descri
- 3G的AT指令标准 版本为:V8.7.0 (2009-03) 英文版-3G, AT commands standard version: V8.7.0 (2009-03) English
- C++版本的设计模式,23种设计模式这里头都包括再内-C++ version of the design patterns, design patterns 23 are included here, again, within the first
- 详细讲述23种设计模式并提供例子代码。 有利于初学者快速熟悉设计模式。-23 kinds of design patterns And provide example code.For beginners of design patterns. Familiar with fast
- 23种设计模式,讲解很详细。多看看对软件代码的设计很有帮助、-23 kinds of design patterns to explain in great detail. See more helpful to the design of the software code,
- 资料阐述的是23种编程中使用最多的设计模式,为了方便记忆,进行了各种比喻,这样对你的学习有帮助-The information set forth in 23 kinds of programming design patterns used various metaphor for the convenience of memory, so you learn
- 2.6.23的rtc驱动完全解读 介绍很详细 可以参考-2.6.23 rtc driver completely interpretation can refer to a very detailed introduction
- Def Stan 23-6-Technology Guidance for Military Logistics Vehicles Def Stan 23-7-Design Guidlines for Armoured Fighting Vehicles Def Stan 23-8-Winterization - Military Logistic Vehicles, Towed Equipment and Mechnanical Handling Equipment Def Sta
- 23种设计模式之C#版本,主要是以C#语法讲解23种软件设计的模式,很不错的资料!值得一看!-23 kinds of Design Patterns C# version, mainly in C# syntax to explain 23 kinds of software design patterns, very good information! Worth a visit!
- java 23中设计模式,别人总结的,挺好的,也挺实用的。它可以帮助我们在java,C#,android等应用开发中设计出好的框架结构,代码结构-java 23 design patterns, others summarize, very good, but also very practical. It can help us in java, C#, android application development such as design a good frame structure,
- 摘 要: 论文提出了一种适用于城市场景下的基于竞争转发的车载 A d h o e网络路 由算法, 算法摒弃了 H E L L O 消息的使用, 利用分布式的竞争策略根据邻居节点所处的地理位置信息进行下一跳节点的选择. 数据转发使用选定点 路由同时利用了实时的道路交通信息和网络拓扑结构信息进行选定点选择. 采取暂存转发策略处理网络分割现象. 仿 真结果表明该算法比其他类似算法具有更高的数据包递交率和较低的数据延迟 .-Ab s t r a c t : A c o n t e
- 面向对象程序设计时,需要用到的23种常见设计 模式以及它们的UML表示-23 kinds of common Design Patterns and their UML presentation for Object-Oriented Design
- compilador emulador ASSEMBLER.TUTORIAL.emu8086.3.23.masm.tasm.DOS.interrupt.list.8086.instruction.set
- 23个经典的程序设计模式,可以规范你的程序设计,提高程序编写的能力-23 classic programming mode, you can regulate your program design, improve the ability of programming
- 23种设计模式加示例代码(C#实现),设计模式(Design Pattern)是一套被反复使用、多数人知晓的、经过分类的、代码设计经验的总结。 使用设计模式的目的:为了代码可重用性、让代码更容易被他人理解、保证代码可靠性。 设计模式使代码编写真正工程化;设计模式是软件工程的基石脉络,如同大厦的结构一样。(23 design patterns plus sample code (C# Implementation), Design Pattern is a set of repeated, mo
- 对23中设计模式详细说明,帮助大家更好的了解23设计模式(Detailed descr iption of the design model in 23, to help you better understand the 23 design patterns)