- A one-dimensional calibration object consists of three or more collinear points with known relative positions. It is generally believed that a camera can be calibrated only when a 1D calibration object is in planar motion or rotates around a &mac
- LDPC码译码相关文献 Bounds on the maximum likelihood decoding error probability of low density parity check codes
- Maximum Likelihood Methods in Radar Array Signal Processing
surf tracking
- Most motion-based tracking algorithms assume that objects undergo rigid motion, which is most likely disobeyed in real world. In this paper, we present a novel motion-based tracking framework which makes no such assumptions. Object is represented by
- 文章对几种常用的基于循环前缀(CP)的最大似然同步算法进行了分析,并对其频偏估计方差进行了比较;同 时针对基于CP 的同步算法在多径衰落信道下性能较差的情况,提出了一种改进的CP 同步算法并进行了仿真,结果表明相比 于原ML 算法,文中算法在多径信道下可有效提高频偏估计性能。-】This paper does some research on multiple maximum-likelihood (ML) algorithms based on cyclic prefix (CP)
- 信息论的课程实验报告实验一 信道容量的迭代算法程序设计………………….4 实验二 唯一可译码判决准则…………………………… 9 实验三 Huffman 编码方案程序设计…………………15 实验四 LZW编码方案程序设计…………………… 20 实验五 Shanoon编码方案程序设计………………… 23 实验六 循环码的软件编、译码实验…………………….27 实验七 BCH码最大似然译码器设计………………… 31 -Information theory course ex
- 在码分多址系统中,求解多用户检测问题是重要环节,介绍了多用户检测问题的应用背景和发展 现状,重点综述基于半定规划模型寻求多用户检测问题次优解的几种重要方法,包括随机扰动法、 坐标下降法、半定规划的割平面法和二次规划的分枝定界法等。结合数值实验,评析比较了这些 方法的优缺点-Quasi-Maximum-Likelihood Multiuser Detection Using Semi-Definite Relaxation With Application to Synchro
- This paper proposes a new method of extracting and tracking a nonrigid object moving while allowing camera movement. For object extraction we first detect an object using watershed segmentation technique and then extract its contour points by a
- How to use the HMM toolbox HMMs with discrete outputs Maximum likelihood parameter estimation using EM (Baum Welch)
- Probabilistic Principal Component Analysis – Latent variable models – Probabilistic PCA • Formulation of PCA model • Maximum likelihood estimation – Closed form solution – EM algorithm » EM Algorithms for regular PCA
- It is a program for Maximum likelihood equalization for space time block codes in MIMO systems
- 球形检测算法论文,性能接近最大似然算法,但是复杂度较低-Spherical detection algorithm paper, the performance near the maximum likelihood algorithm, but the complexity is low
- Algorithms for QAM Signal Classification Using Maximum Likelihood Approach Based on the Joint Probability Densities of Phases and amplitudes
- 卡尔曼滤波是信号处理的重要工具,而极大似然估计是概率论的重要思想,两者结合会解决一系列类似的问题-Kalman filtering is an important tool for signal processing, while the maximum likelihood estimation is the important thinking of the probability theory, a combination of both will solve a series of si
- 本文深入研究了复杂调制信号MPSK、MQAM的倍号子类以及常用恒包络信 号OQPSK、or/4 QPSK、MSK的调制识别披本。在鳆种基本调制识别方法即基于特征提取的方法和基于最大似然的方法的纂础上采用四种算法分别对上述信号进行识别研究。-This article studies the complex modulation signals MPSK, MQAM number of times and the common sub-class of constant envelope sig
- 本文利用软输入软输出信道译码器输出对数似然比随相位偏差变化的规律得到低信噪比MPSK信号的 相位偏差代价函数,并提出一种求解该代价函数的迭代相位搜索方法,以相对较小的运算量实现较高精度的相 位估计。仿真表明,该算法在低信噪比下具有稳定的性能,并且能够克服大多相位估计算法都存在的相位模糊 问题。-In this paper, the soft input soft output channel decoder output log-likelihood ratio with the v
- 1、 极大似然估计 尝试用0~24阶多项式拟合,并用5折交叉验证选择最佳模型(多项式阶数及其系数,给出类似课件中的图),并画出最佳模型的拟合效果图(类似图1,蓝色点为训练样本、红色点为测试样本、绿色线为模型预测),给出该模型的测试误差。 2、 岭回归 多项式阶数为24,正则系数λ的取值范围为exp(-19)到exp(20),采用并用5折交叉验证选择最佳模型。实验结果要求同1。 -1, the maximum likelihood estimate of 0 to 24 try-o
- 信号数目估计错误的最大似然波达方向估计的性能分析-The number of signal estimation error of maximum likelihood DOA estimation performance analysis
- a noive maximum likelihood estimation for linear model by MLE
- maximum likelihood estimation method can be used to very broad estimation