- 关于近红外与中红外在有机碳和有机质方面的综述类文献-Overview of class literature of near-infrared and mid-infrared organic carbon and organic matter
- 论文:基于近红外光谱与DPLS的潲水油快速鉴别方法-Waste edible oi Identification by NIR and DPLS
- reference for mlr for nir data
- The use of near infrared (NIR) hyperspectral imaging and hyperspectral image analysis for distinguishing between hard, intermediate and soft maize kernels from inbred lines was evaluated. NIR hyperspectral images of two sets (12 and 24 kernels) o
- 光纤倏逝场传感器对甲醇 (CH3OH)和乙醇(C2H5OH)基于变形光学溶剂 纤维芯的报道。现有的U型的敏感性 探讨提高延长暴露芯线圈形状 一个半圈的形成,核心行进 三弯曲的形状。利用可见光的波长区域(VIS) 甲醇/乙醇从0 到10 所示的浓度 的弯曲形状的传感器使测定灵敏度 更好的甲醇浓度比0点05 和 乙
- Nir Theraphy technique full descr iption
- This study proposes a novel near infrared face recognition algorithm based on a combination of both local and global features. In this method local features are extracted from partitioned images by means of undecimated discrete wavelet transform
- 基于傅里叶变换近红外和支持向量机的霉变玉米检测 袁 莹 王 伟 褚 璇 喜明杰 ( 中国农业大学工学院,北京 100083 ) 基于LIBSVM工具箱利用Matlab2012b进行光谱数据的处理及分析(期刊)-Detection of Moldy Corns with FT - NIR Spectroscopy Based on SVM Yuan Ying Wang Wei Chu Xuan Xi Mingjie ( College of Engineer
- 该文档为近红外光谱定性分析软件V2.0的概要设计说明书,对该软件的层次划分、模块功能、数据结构、接口、出错处理和扩展性进行了设计,目的是让软件开发人员根据文档的内容进行程序开发,使设计的产品符合用户的需求,同时为测试人员提供参考。(The document for the nir qualitative analysis software V2.0 profile design specifications, hierarchy and module of the software functi