- 非常好,是利用热电偶设计一个数字温度计的设计理念和过程,Very good, is about uses the thermo-element to design a digital thermometer s design idea and the process
- 对温度精确控制.采用高性能的温敏电阻实时采集热水器内水温,将温度信号转变为电压信号后送单片机处理,可用高清晰度的数码管进行实时显示.-Precise control of temperature. The use of high-performance real-time acquisition of thermo-sensitive resistance heater inside the water temperature, the temperature signal into a vol
- explain the funtion of thermo cycler for replican of DNA
- Thermo Spectronics - Basic UV-VIS Theory, Concepts and Applicaton Ultraviolet and visible spectrometers have been in general use for the last 35 years and over this period have become the most important analytical instrument in the modern day
- Thermo Spectronics - Basic UV-VIS Theory, Concepts and Applicaton Ultraviolet and visible spectrometers have been in general use for the last 35 years and over this period have become the most important analytical instrument in the modern day
- thermo meter using DS18B20 or LM 335
- program in c programming language.
- Thermocouple useguide
- Thermo-hygrometer with PIC 16F628a and nixie IN-14 tubes Used sensor DHT11, code written in MicroC pro 6.0.0 Schematic and PCA made in eagle 5.7.0-Thermo-hygrometer with PIC 16F628a and nixie IN-14 tubes Used sensor DHT11, code written in MicroC