- 语音信号时域分析,短时过零率,短时能量分析,MATLAB实现-speech signal time-domain analysis, short-term zero rates, short-term energy analysis, MATLAB
- This article describes Atmel’s FingerChip technology for electronic fingerprint sensing that combines the advantages of small size, low cost, high accuracy, zero maintenance, low energy consumption and portability. This technology has application
- :介绍了一种基于数字信号处理器(DSP)的移相调频(Phase-Shifted and Frequency-Varied,PSFV)PWM控制 逆变电源,给出了主电路拓扑结构,分析了其控制原理并设计了其控制程序流程图。新颖的PSFV 控制能够实现输出 电压90%的调整率,输出电流波动小于单纯移相调功PWM方式,并在轻载时保持连续。功率开关器件零电压零电流 通断(Zero-Voltage-Zero-Current Switching,ZVZCS)软开关的实现,有利于进一步提高开关
A Nonlinear Adaptive Filter for Online Signal
- This paper presents various applications of a nonlinear adaptive notch filter which operates based on the concept of an enhanced phase-locked loop (PLL). Applications of the filter for online signal analysis for power systems protection, control a
- 三菱PLC学习软件,让你从零到会修机器,之用三天时间就OK,Mitsubishi PLC software study, so that you will be from zero to repair the machine, use the three days on the OK
- 课程设计中首先采用Ising model的思想建立一个二维的模型,然后利用重要性抽样和Monte Carlo方法及其思想模拟铁磁-顺磁相变过程。计算了顺磁物质的能量平均值Ev、热容Cv、磁化强度M及磁化率X的值,进而研究Ev、Cv、M、X与温度T的变化关系并绘制成Ev-T图、Cv-T图、M-T图、X-T图,得出顺磁物质的内能随着温度的升高先增大而后趋于稳定值;热容Cv、磁化率X随着温度的升高先增大后减小;磁化强度M在转变温度Tc处迅速减小为零,找出铁磁相变的转变温度Tc大约为2.35,First
- 这个是RTX的帮助文档,英文版的,里面有所有的API函数,帮助初学者理解和快速进入RTX的开发。-This is RTX' s help documentation, in English, which has all the API functions, to help beginners to understand and quick access to the development of RTX.
- 我们知道,图像压缩就是要寻找高压缩比、并使压缩后的图像有合适的信噪比的方法,对压缩后的图像还要能实现低失真度地恢复图像。压缩性能的评价标准之一是图像能量损失和零系数成分值。能量损失越小,零系数成分值越大,图像压缩的性能就越高。 -We know that image compression is to find a high compression ratio, and the compressed image signal to noise ratio suitable metho
- An adaptive fuzzy integral sliding mode controller for mismatched time-varying linear systems is presented in this paper. The proposed fuzzy integral sliding mode controller is designed to have zero steady state system error under step inputs
- 移相控制与过零检测,可控硅过零检测电路分析-Phase-shift control and zero-crossing detection, zero-crossing detection circuit SCR analysis
- This a thesis about CARRIER FREQUENCY OFFSET RECOVERY FOR ZERO-IF OFDM RECEIVERS.rar. The zero intermediate frequency receiver architecture has now become popular as it has both economic and size advantages over the traditional superheterodyne ar
- 文章主要技术要点: 广播,自由,干扰度,MIMO技术,多址接入,迫零算法-The main technical points of the article:Broadcast, Degrees of Freedom, Interference, MIMO, Multiple Access, Zero Forcing
- 关于过零点检测的文章,个人感觉不错,与大家分享-Article on zero-crossing detection, personal feeling good, to share with you
- zero voltage switching abstract and block diagram
- 关于零点极点分析,是电路和运放设计的好文章-s analysis about pole&zero
- SVPWM中关于零矢量的相关论文:SVPWM调制法中零矢量优化分配技术的研究;基于空间矢量PWM技术的零矢量分配问题分析;包含零矢量的永磁同步电机直接转矩控制。-The the zero vector SVPWM papers: the zero vector SVPWM modulation method to optimize the distribution technology the zero vector allocation problem based space vector
- 一种基于调制域分析的过零检测算法改进,克服了传统过零算法不能应用于某些信号的局限,有MATLAB仿真-Zero-crossing detection algorithm based on improved modulation domain analysis, to overcome the traditional limitations of the zero crossing algorithm can not be applied to certain signals, there are
- Zero document-Zero document.......
- 摘 要: 介绍了一种可用于多种类型的伺服电机编码器零点调试仪器的设计 该伺服电机编码器调零仪采用磁场定 向控制原理( FOC) SVPWM 控制模式和 PID 控制策略来控制伺服电机的旋转对其轴上编码器进行调零及校准 实 验结果表明,所设计的伺服电机编码器零点调试仪具有通用性强 操作简单和调节性能高等特点-Abstract: Proposed the design of zero- adjusting instrument for varieties of servo motor enc
python from zero
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